Methods on values of a module table doesn’t work

Recently, I have developed an OOP-styled hierarchical finite state machine (a tree-behavioural AI) and the way I reference the creation of a new AI is using an OOP-method.

If I were to for example declare a new table in the same script as I run the method and use insert models inside this table as values everything will work fine. representation:

local class = {}
local module = require(module)
table.insert(class, #class+1,

for _, v in pairs(class) do 

This code will run perfectly! In contrast to declaring a table inside another module


local moduleTable = {}

return moduleTable 


local moduleTable = require(moduleTable)
local module = require(module)

table.insert(moduleTable, #moduleTable+1,

for _, v in pairs(moduleTable) do 

This will run into the error of method not being a valid member of object (… or v if you prefer that).

Sorry but are you trying to add a item into a server based table.
I am assuming the --module is on the server.

No, --module represents a module. It is required from the server though.

The problem is in your module code. Would need to see that to find the error.