Metropolitan Police Service Handbook




In-Training: New to the force, just accepted, learning how to do things. (Look at the rules, specific rules are set to this rank.)

Community Support Officer: Beyond training, these officers have some skill towards the job, still learning the ropes.

Constable: This officer is skilled in this field of work, knows what he/she is doing, and is able to try out for SCO19.

Sergeant: To be called “Sarge” is an officer starting the leadership of MET, oversees the ranks below.

Inspector: This is the rank right before considered to be high ranking, this officer shows leadership and skill in this field of work.

Chief Inspector: Leads the ranks below him/her, is a very skilled officer in leadership, loyalty, and determination.

Superintendent: The rank most achieve, depending on if a Commander is in, this rank shows above-average skill in all areas of this job, this rank can host trainings.

Commander: Leads the department mostly, is the rank that oversees the ranks below them, and reports to the Commissioner, this rank can host trainings.

Deputy Commissioner: This officer assists the Commissioner in leading the department, handpicked, very skilled officer, this rank can host trainings.

Commissioner: This officer leads the department, while also is a figure to the outside world, this person exceeds in leadership and skill, this rank can host trainings.


The official code system expected to be used at all places that use a radio. You may still use regular chat on a radio, but these codes will make be faster to type and it will sound more professional.

0 = Emergency, Officer Needs Assistance
1 = On Duty
2 = Available / Resuming patrol
3 = Available / Elsewhere
4 = Location ___
5 = ETA ___
6 = At scene
7 = HoP is clear
8 = HoP backup needed
9 = Rogue Officer
10 = Signing in
11 = Signing off
12 = High ranking officer needed
13 = Armed civilian
14 = Unarmed civilian
15 = Military backup needed
16 = No code for this (To be used if your typing something that doesn’t have a code.)

Levels of safety

Green; All clear
Blue; Suspicious activity
Yellow; Danger is mild
Orange; Rioting starting
Red; Civilians posing threats
Black; Officer(s) down, major emergency


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ALL In-Training’s must join the academy to be promoted to CSO, this so we can have more skilled officers in the force.

Commissioner: BoxUnderTheBed

Chief Executive Officer:


As an In-Training, you are not allowed on the team at MET, unless you are given permission by a Superintendent+.

You are to address anyone above the rank of Inspector, “Sir” or “Ma’am”.

You are to address anyone at the rank of Sergeant, “Sarge”.

You are NOT permitted to discharge a personal firearm while on duty.

This also goes for SCO19 members, you must use the guns provided.

You must also follow the WTA(Warn, Tase, Arrest) system.

You are required at ALL times to wear your rank specific uniform while on duty.

SCO19 is a tryout/invite based division.

In-Trainings have 2 WEEKS to rank up to Community Support Officer, or be exiled(for inactivity).

In-Trainings must enroll into the Academy to be promoted.


As an officer of the MET, you are required to follow these rules at all times, and base your duties off of this handbook.

Any rule that is broken will result in a warning first, demotion second, and exiled, the third time.


Police Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service
