MewsData - A powerful datastore module

For the record, that’s not what snake_case is; the module is using Darwin_Case. I’d prefer either snake_case or PascalCase, but it’s really not a big deal.


the source code is included in the model

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Is there anything that makes this different/better than Datastore2?


That’s not the point,

Additionally, makes the module more trustworthy before inserting.


ohh okay i get you now thanks for the feedback i will add a pastebin


imo its easier for beginners to understand does mostly the same thing

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No need to reinvent the wheel — assert exists.

assert(typeof(Player) == "Instance", string.format("bad argument #1 to LoadData (Instance<Player> expected, got %s)", typeof(Player)))
assert(typeof(ObjectsToLoad) == "table", string.format("bad argument #2 to LoadData (table expected, got %s)", typeof(ObjectsToLoad)))

I completely agree, I don’t see how this will be used more than datastore2, it’s programmed a bit inefficiently.

For example:
Datastore2 has bindtoclose and autosaving functions, which makes it significantly better than this module

Nice job, I will be looking to use this maybe.

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This module forces me to give it some sort of ValueBase instance (e.g. a StringValue) so I can save its Value.

What if I wanted to not do this? I am forced to create a new StringValue just for the sake of saving a string.

We should not be forced to use ValueBases just for the sake of saving data.



Why does it use :UpdateAsync if you aren’t actually using the data parameter?


In what way does this differ from ROBLOX’s default datastores or an already existent module similar to what this does called DataStore2? (How to use DataStore2 - Data Store caching and data loss prevention)

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He has already responded that here

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Okay so what about How to use DataStore2 - Data Store caching and data loss prevention ?

It doesn’t do the same thing, this module is really lack-luster.

Oh okay. Thanks for the quick response. :slight_smile:

Well a suggestion I have to your code is instead of making two separate methods for table data and normal data, combine it into one and simply check which type it is. OR perhaps create a class called datastore_value and allow users to put the data they want to store in there and use it for a saving method.


Wouldn’t UpdateAsync work better instead of SetAsync?

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yes this uses UpdateAsync im planing on updating it a bit to make it even better

Ive used this module for a bit now and Ive got a few things to mention.

1.) What makes this any better than Datastore2?
I know it is unique in its own way but why would people want to use this over DS2?

2.) Makes for easier saving and takes up less time to write an enitre Datastore.
It does cut some time off of making a completely new Datastore but it doesnt really make much of a difference.

3.) Maybe it should be possible to write some auto saving functions as mentioned by @recanman

Aside from this though, I think this is a really neat module and it could be used by more begginer programmers to give them a nice feeling to what a real datastore Should look like.



I’m aware this is a VERY late reply, however, I’m curious about this system.

Does this bypass the rate-limits for datastores, similar to DataStore2? How secure is it? If you wish, we can get in contact over discord @ luc#8934

look at the source code, its pretty simple :slight_smile: