Mexico Skyscraper

Hello, I made the tallest tower in latin america, I would like feedback and opinions on it, thank you in advance, God bless you all!



Wow! The textures look amazing! I like how the outer surface of the building changes during the day and sunset. One thing: if you made the sky boxes, I’d suggest adding more of a sunset look. The window frames look nice and modern, perfect for a skyscraper. Looks effortful! Might I ask how long it took you to build this? i just realized you’re the same builder i gave feedback to about those Philadelphia towers (lol)- love both!


It took me like 2 hours I think, thank you for your opinion!

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Keep it up, well done! You’re doing an impressive job, and you need to be recognized more than you are right now! As long as you keep doing what you’re doing you will be super successful in the future, waiting for you to get your first DevEx, good luck! :slight_smile:

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