Microprofiler Always Opens Automatically

Opening the microprofiler during a Test In Window session via the in-game menu causes the microprofiler to automatically open every time a place is loaded in studio, live games, test in window and test servers. Setting microprofiler to ‘off’ in-game while either in a live game or in studio has no effect.


This has been annoying me for 2 or 3 weeks now

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You can potentially fix this by editing a file. Go to %localappdata%\Roblox and you should see a file called GlobalBasicSettings_13.xml. In there, you’ll see a bool value called OnScreenProfilerEnabled. Set that to false. See if that works.


Mines already set to false unfortunately

Hmm. That’s the only way I know how to manually turn it off. Sorry it didn’t work.

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?


This bug has been resolved :slight_smile:


Perfect. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.

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Was there ever a solution to this? I’ve been dealing with this for a few weeks now… I’ve tried uninstalling / reinstalling and nothing stops the Microprofiler from opening automatically. Very frustrating. Please let me know, otherwise this is still a valid bug.


Currently also experiencing this, quite annoying as It blocks stuff usually.

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@Hippie_ofDoom looks like you may work at Roblox, pinging in hopes this can be resolved

Did you disable it through the in-game settings menu?

That worked. But then I updated Studio and it came back. I ended up deleting my local settings folder and redownloaded it and now im not seeing it

Just want to necro-bump this to say that this issue still occurs:

Setting the MicroProfiler setting in the Escape menu does not disable the MicroProfiler. Setting the “Mode” section of the MicroProfiler to “Off” does not disable the MicroProfiler. Using either of those options should fix the problem.

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I am unable to reproduce this issue.
You can try backing up and deleting the Roblox local settings folder like @Hycheese did to solve this.

Using ‘Off’ in top MicroProfiler bar disables it only for current session.

I ended up having to delete the %localappdata%\Roblox directory to fix this

Sorry for bumping but for me the fix was going into %localappdata%\Roblox\GlobalBasicSettings_13_Studio.xml

Finding this line <bool name="OnScreenProfilerEnabled">true</bool>
And then changing it to false.
If it doesn’t fix you can try turning it off for this file too


This is a fix, but it isn’t a user fix. I can’t help if the person reviewing the bug can’t reproduce it - it occurs between sessions and over time. It’s still a bug that can’t be resolved, but should be looked into with more eyes or more depth

Not resolved for me though, micro profiler opens on its own all the time, been like this for a week now