Microprofiler available for mobile!

Hey Developers,

Previously we introduced an advanced developer tool called the Microprofiler to help you understand how your game performs on desktop.

This tool now works for phones and tablets! In order to use it, you must have a mobile device and a desktop computer on the same local network. Then enable the Microprofiler on your mobile device and visit the URL in your desktop browser to see a detailed breakdown of how your game is running. This will help you diagnose issues and make your games run faster on phones and tablets!

Check out the Microprofiler documentation for detailed instructions on how to use it!

Phone View

Desktop View

Let us know what you think!


This update is awesome! Thank you. :heart:

How well does it handle multiple mobile devices on the same LAN? Are there any performance costs associated with enabling the profiler that we should be aware of while using it (i.e. measuring affects performance)?


Port 1338…


Measuring does affect performance proportionately to the number of labels/scopes/etc. that you see; in general we try to minimize the impact and I’ve never seen it be more than a few percent.

Each mobile device should get their own internal IP so you should be able to connect without issues I think, but it does depend on your wifi router configuration - for example if a router is configured to reject all incoming connections then this won’t work at all…


The docs seem a bit sparse atm, so a few caveats:

  • I believe when you connect for the first time, the profiler will not show any events. This is because we start gathering the events once you connect. We might change this in the future, but just refresh the browser page after opening it.

  • Every time you refresh you get a new snapshot of data, 32 frames by default - it’s not a live view. Refresh again to see new data.

  • If you’re trying to investigate a spontaneous and severe performance spike, 32 frames might not be enough. I recommend doing the following: 1) go to the URL http://device.ip.here:1338/100 - 100 after the URL is the number of frames to capture; 2) waiting until the spike happens, 3) quickly refreshing the page to get the long frames from the spike.


What do you mean by that?

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I just assumed an engineer did 1337+1 lol


This is awesome! Just tried it out.

The one issue I had was that I couldn’t click the “Close” button on the instructions overlay because it made something else pop up over it. On Chrome 66.0.3359.117, 64-bit, Windows 10.

A gif showing this:


Can you document the /100 trick on the developer hub? Took me a few days to find this thread.


cc @UristMcSparks


I have wanted this for soooo long and now its finally here! :smiley:

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