Microprofiler has been flooded with WaitForNextFrame

The Microprofiler has now been flooded with this blue tag called ‘WaitForNextFrame’. It never had that before and this is only recently as Studio was forced to be updated

Expected Results: It shouldn’t show up.


Do you think this is worse than there being nothing there?

This is probably too cluttered, but the clarity is nice: It is waiting for the next frame during that time.

Do you think this is worse than there being nothing there?

Yes. I don’t see how I could take advantage of it waiting for the next frame; that’s something beyond my control for my practical usecases and it only serves to clutter what I am looking for (RenderStepped & Heartbeat tracebacks)

The advantage would be for new users of the Microprofiler: It makes it clear that what’s happening in the empty space isn’t missing a label, that the thread is intentionally waiting for the next frame rather than doing something else during that interval.

While it is good that there have been steps to deobfuscating the microprofiler, Having one label like this taking up 99% of the spots for the sake of clarity is not good execution. Considering that it overshadows other labels that had actual information other than the one that is for ‘Doing Nothing’

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I haven’t dug into it yet, I’m guessing this probably isn’t intentional, because yeah it would be too much.

I was just stopping to think for a second before going to look at removing it since I could see some positives to it being there.

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This tag has been removed internally, but it didn’t make a cut for the current release of Studio.
It will be gone in the next update.

I don’t see how I could take advantage of it waiting for the next frame; that’s something beyond my control for my practical usecases and it only serves to clutter what I am looking for

However, I would like to say that microprofiler has many users including internal developers of the Roblox platform and there are many and will be many more tags that are beyond what you might found useful or be able to have control over.


NGL, I wish for better documentation on some of the more obscure tags in the profiler. It took me a long while to understand how the profiler works with some of the unknown tags lol

The intention is noble, but the execution causes confusion; labels have thus far exclusively been used to mark usage of time, rather than the opposite - so this ends up subverting expectations for users.

I’m certainly no expert, though I believe choosing color management to change background colors as a means of displaying thread states during these empty intervals would be of greater help.


yep also happening to me

In the ‘Groups’ menu, you can select ‘deafult’ instead of ‘all’ and then disable ‘Systems’ group:

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