Microprofiler Has Big Spikes

Hello everyone,

I was testing my game and i found that after a couple of minute my game starts freezing for a second and i saw in the microprofiler big spikes but i don’t know how to detect the problem

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Here’s an image for the microprofiler

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Roblox Studio provides several tools to analyze game performance. Utilize the Performance tab, which includes the MicroProfiler, to identify which parts of your game are causing the spikes.
Also, look closely at the MicroProfiler data. It helps pinpoint what parts of your scripts are consuming the most resources. Focus on the areas that are causing the spikes. Check for any loops, heavy calculations, or inefficient code that might be causing delays.
Keep an eye on your game’s memory usage. High memory consumption can lead to performance degradation. Optimize and manage memory usage efficiently.

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Deleting a Texture Pack i got from the toolbox seems to fix it

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