Microprofiler not showing what's causing massive lag

I’m trying to use the microprofiler to find out why my game is lagging when I add a bunch of accessories to my character. However, it doesn’t always show stuff.

When I click on the begging of the spike, theres nothing in the time line.

However, other sections show this

I have no clue what any of it means, nor how to fix it

Maybe these client memory data could help too?? LuaHeap increases a ton, and GraphicsTexture also increase a massive amount

If I correct Microprofiller only shows Procesor ussage.
If this is your game you can check parts - coping them into new rblx studio place one by one and check via that what might create lag.

It’s not a matter of knowing what parts causing lag. It’s why it’s causing lag. I know what’s causing the lag, I just don’t know why

It can have script or something has tomany parts, try making unions or less parts, mayby something colides too much, or there may be too much things in one place.

No. It’s caused from accessories. It has nothing to do with too many parts being in game. Somewhere in my code it’s creating a lot of stuff and it’s not being removed

Maybe there is too much buttons or if I see correct there is 3d look on items, is it frame that allows 3d items inside ? Try making for loop when you add buttons and limit buttons - add paging to buttons, like when you click button it would load more items.

I may send some code for adding buttons from one own thing when I will have time.