Reproduction Steps
Use the mircoprofiler on an empty baseplate, on a PC with vsync forced off.
You can observe that each frame takes about 16ms, but the actual used CPU and GPU time each frame is not displayed anywhere.
Expected Behavior
The number should display how much time that frame the CPU or GPU actually spent occupied, and not include the time spent idle.
I would expect the microprofiler to show the duration of time that the user has any control over, not just “When the frame ended”.
Actual Behavior
Check the microprofiler times:
It says the CPU and GPU usage are hovering around 16ms - which is the total frame time, fine.
But if you are trying to use the profiler to work out how much “room” you have left, this number is worthless.
Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly