Midnight Horror (Roblox Horror Game)

We are looking for feedback to make the game scarier with every update.

Really good images for the game. Especially that street one great work.
I have no bad feed back.

When creating a horror game you should always go by the method of show, don’t tell. All-be it in every story some exposition is needed this one doesn’t have enough too clue us into the “big” revile making it uninteresting and boring. With it the sound effects where all over the place, sometimes building atmosphere other times tearing it down. Having the monster drop hints off what’s going on would work too improve the story.

The way the stairs worked was done very well, working too build tension.
The first jump scare was done remarkably well, having nice build up too it and striking when our guard was lowered.

The outside world was very dead, throwing my out of the environment. I’d recommend using a mix of roblox terrain & trees too give the world a bit more life.
The dialog between you and the monster was too long and very boring. Also it didn’t bring any attention too its self, add a little noise too indicate the dialog changed.
You should off left more hints to what was going on. This allows you too shorten down the discussion between the player and monster.

This little tutorial may help you when creating future horror games. I’m looking forwards too whatever you produce next.

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Thank you for that advice, I will be sure to change it accordingly.

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I know this is a bit off topic but FLAMINGO MADE A GAME ON YOUR GAME


Congratulations on all the success! Your game made it into a top Roblox YouTuber’s channel!


Thank you! I watched it so many times and I’ve been a fan for so long!

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I never expected him to make a video on it.

how did you react when you first say albert playing your game?

I didn’t freak out since I knew he would (his friend told me) but I was just blown away by the fact that FLAMINGO someone I watched and still do played MY game.


You could fix it by having a transparent button stretched over the screen with Modal on (It HAS to be behind every Gui object). That would make it so that their mouse could be moved even in first person.

Really enjoyed your game ! Too bad it was so short :,(

I did the 2 endings, here is some stuff I noticed while I was playing

  • Here I managed to reach the cave before the power shut down, and I was able to kinda mess with the lights by going disco mode haha

  • I also tried to juke the guy by walking backwards before turning around, but I just died at the end lol

  • Some weird bugs happening in console, prob need to fix some coding

Also when I got the second ending, I could still go around the house, and I picked up the letter of the guy and the scary music started playing, but it was just supposed to be a dream xd

Anyway you have a good game here, keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Yeah the game still needs some fixing, but we will try our best.

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