About Me
I am @NamelessGuy2005, An experienced Roblox scripter. I first began scripting in 2018 and since then I have made a lot of accomplishments, such as:
Getting 2k visits on a project I didn’t advertise
- Getting The Dev King to play said project in a video
- Getting AlvinBlox to play said project in a live stream (live stream is either removed or unlisted)
Earnt around $250 from being hired to script a game
Here are some pictures from my last game RoCamping:
Things that I know how to do, but are not limited to are listed below.
good client-server models (preventing exploits by not trusting the client, remote events and remote functions)
different services (for example, userinputservice, tweenservice and replicatedstorage)
how to scale UI’s (never user offset (use scale) apart from specific scenarios)
vector, cframe and magnitude - my knowledge of raycasts
scripting terrain
xbox and mobile support
filtering text that other users can see
i keep scripts to a minimum and frequently use module scripts
I can use things like bodyvelocity and bodyforce to change the way unanchored parts interact with the world(edited)