Migrate to TextChatService: Removing Support for Legacy Chat and Custom Chat Systems

Will we finally be able to restrict chatting inside experiences to friends only? I parentally control another sibing in my family’s Roblox account and currently i only have there website chat on as i noticed i can not restrict in experience chat to friends only and i do not want strangers talking with them. I’m looking forward to seeing these new controls when they launch.

I do use TextChatService but I wish you could detect if the UI is being show like if its faded out or not since I wanna have a UI under the chat that tweens up if the chat fades out and tweens down if its faded in/being used.

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My game uses legacy chat but heavily modified both the chat bubbles and the chat box window to my personal preference. (including making the distant chat bubble UI have randomized texts, making certain error messages not show up and etc)

The heavy modifications are done on purpose for the style the game is going for, since I am not fond of some parts that roblox’s new chat has, which I could try to make similar modifications to what I’ve done for my game’s legacy chat however it seems I could only customize the UI of it. Which means I cannot make the new chat have a modified distant chat bubble, nor prevent certain error messages showing up on the chat box window.

I’d like to point out that a game like Deepwoken also does use legacy chat judging by the old chat bubbles, and I’m sure there are a good amount of games that use either custom chat or legacy chat. It is all by preference or part of how the game is supposed to be styled.

By the way my modified legacy chat does this:

I wont resort to having to make my own custom chat system as that’s just a tedious workload.

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Damn. I was seeing this coming.

These are the main points that will be harder to make now:

  • Global Messages
  • Server Messages
  • Chat Tags
  • Custom fonts and colors on chat

This really sucks.

We require the following two features to be added in order to move our game over to TextChatService by the deadline:

Please add both (they are incredibly easy fixes that will take maybe a hour), otherwise we will be unable to switch


Hello, I’d like to receive some instructions on how to make custom UI from TextChatService

  1. How do I send messages if I disable the default input bar? I couldn’t find a function for that and I sent an image below. Additionally I’d like to add measures to spam like max character limit and such ON THE SERVER.
  2. How do I set up a public / team chat system? Is that basically the TextChannel feature? Last time I used Roblox default chat teams I got complaints about it being unstable, this is why I made my chat.
  3. How do I set up commands with multiple arguments? (/money username 1000)



ok so I have a very surface level view of things at the moment but why cant people who have parental controls on just have chat completely disabled for them on games with the legacy chat?

edit: wow I just realized how late I was to this

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textchatservice is bad i dont wanna use it


Luckily I’m already used to the new chat system, so it shouldn’t be a big deal for me.

We need you to give us an option to give as a 1:1 look of the Legacy Chatbox. It’s nostalgic, it’s classic, and it’s essential to my classic game. The new modern TextChatService just throws it out, and makes it look terrible.



This is the new worst update you could’ve done.
All of my games rely on the Legacy Chat and I will not switch them to TextChatService

Like this person said, I will not switch, and I will never switch.


You just can’t support and update both chat versions, how lazy and uncaring you are.


worst update!!!


what does it mean that you are deprecating team chats?


does it mean that you are getting rid of it, or just replacing it because,
I work with someone who is halfway across the world on a game that will never be published to public, and communication is important for the development process and since I don’t use the common chat app or anything to chat with other than team chat, does this mean I have to now get a chat app in order to communicate, or are you replacing it?

I think this is the worse idea possible this could legit break so many old games that are hanging on by a thread

I would love to get a response from someone who is developing this change just to clear it up

thank you!


ngl i REALLY despise the new chat system

with new chat you cant read previous messages unlike the old one
and with new chat you need to have 60 fps so the algorithm wouldn’t break and go like “Fooba ENTER r” unlike the old oneee
and theres also the annoying emoji thing that auto fills when u start with : (it breaks admin commands with : prefix) unlike the old one

i don’t like it really, the old one is way easier and less advanced meanwhile u got new one with low fps = you can miss-spell and then get moderated, autofilling emoji that u cant disable in roblox settings, and rejoin = boom you can’t read past messages, this can specially be bad when ur a ingame moderator cuz u cant read what previous players said unless with use of a webhook


hi @minimegamer1 the Team Create chat functionality will be disabled late Jan, but we are replacing it with the ability to add Comments directly into the 3d workspace in Studio early next year. We will continue to improve creator communication within Studio through the ability to annotate & comment, which will offer a more contextual form of discussion & iteration.

Out of curiosity, can you also tell me a bit more about your use case for building “a game that will never be published to public”? thank you!


Why are you guys deprecating Team Create chat functionality, if most of the upcoming features are built upon Team Create? Parental Controls can’t really apply to Studio as anyone can make anything there.
(You can’t stop someone from making a TextLabel and using that as a filterless way of communicating, this just makes it inconvenient.)


There are actually many use cases for such a game.

For example, one could use it to animate rigs, or as a modelling place, or for recording videos demonstrating how to use Roblox Studio etc.


to a certain extent, I can explain

basically, the game is so complex and unique in its concept that me and my coder, want to keep it that way, also so that we don’t have to make an anti-cheat or prevent an exploiter who can steal the game.

and no, it’s not a test game it’s a fully thought-out game, just for a select few, a game that I had only dreamed of making when I was 7yo

hope that helps


This update is absolutely Outright Intentional Throwback from the Roblox DEVS above. Like I KNOW there supposedly trying to “Improve” Moderation, and I like How there doing that, but now it’s a lot harder for future DEVS and normal DEVS to develop games with chat orientated systems and such.

Even DEVS with custom Admin commands are just going to have a tough time getting around this “NONSENSE.” I mean, Games like RetroStudio (Their messaging system), Chat Simulators, Etc. All of which will have to suffer/shutdown/remove features entirely because of this update and deprecation of the APIs. Now games that send messages to other players to other servers are Now Completely IMPOSSIBLE, Because of this update.

Now, it’s like a buck tun of Underrated/Beloved’d games are NOW going to be thrown back to the STONE-AGE. What A complete mess of a Unpresented assault on the platform.

I’ve already said this before (Probably…) I know ROBLOX is (Maybe now.) trying more and more harder to moderate things, I know I have some bad opinions about Roblox’s new chat and UI systems. But it is not even related to the chat system itself. ANY THING, Including CELL PHONES, CUSTOM CHATTING SYSTEMS, CROSS-SERVER MESSAGING GUIS, AND MUCH MORE IS NOW TOSSED IN THE RING OF FIRE!

Unless some DEVS or SOMEONE Can give me some answer, or this is solved. I may not want to continue developing games in the FUTURE, because of what’s possibly going on right now.

And it’s making me pretty sad. Retro Studio now is forced to REMOVE their messaging system, so first Roblox deprecates their messaging future, and NOW RS (RetroStudio) is DOING THE SAME, all because of THIS?

Unless something is solved, Then I don’t know. Just give me a quick comment or whatever, I have no clue at this very moment, I am flabbergasted and just mind blown about this update.
