After having migrated my game to to TextChatService, there are two main pieces of feedback my players have expressed.
There is no way to drag and resize the chat, leading to a bad experience for mobile and tablet users for whom the chat window appears too big. Considering this feature was there in the Legacy chat, it would be nice if it made a comeback.
Messages said in Team channels no longer also show up in the General channel, like it did with Legacy chat. Considering my game has a gamemode where you need to coordinate with your team, this has led to a degraded experience within that specific gamemode.
Both of these things used to be good features within the Legacy chat, and are now suddenly absent. Please do bring them back.
If you want, you could try out Team Chat: Revived. It’s a plugin I’ve been making for a week now, and it does everything Team Chat needs to accomplish, alongside a couple enhancements related to the UI, and added on features. If you’re interested, you can take a look. Team Chat: Revived (Open-Alpha)
Mobile users should have the option to be able to scale down the chat. It’s not a good user experience when you have a massive chat box while you’re trying to play a game. I noticed that Roblox doesn’t seem to really focus on the usability level very often, and I think that should be a thing that they focus on in the future.