Recently I’ve been working on a Team Chat modernized implementation in the form of a plugin to help out some developers that relied on Team Chat in the past, and don’t have any other communication methods to communicate with each other. That’s why I’ve been developing Team Chat: Revived recently. It’s basically Roblox team chat but with features that were never added to the now deprecated Team Chat such as notifications while developing, users typing indicators, and much more soon to come. If you’d like to check it out yourself, go ahead! It’s completely free because I don’t think there’s a need to make it paid sense there’s so little Team Chat plugins available on the marketplace right now. This is still in a very early state, so don’t expect anything in here to be fully finalized.
Leave suggestions!
Notice any issues? Feel free to post about them! And if you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let me know!
I’ll try to post updates here every now and then, or you can just view the plugin if you do receive an update. It is still being frequently updated at this time. Also please note that updates for this plugin will be slowed on week days due because of more things that are needed to be accomplished. But don’t worry, I’m still very determined to get this plugin to the best it can be. Stay tuned!
Updates in Queue
IN PROGRESS | Custom chat tab groups. Assign certain people to a custom chat group.
DELAYED - BUILDING NEW METHODS | Ability to edit, delete, and react to messages.
Discord sync. Ability to sync your private DMs (or something) to Team Chat: Revived!
Fix chat tab visibility issues upon new player joining causing an unnecessary private chat to the wrong person.
Added support for automatic private chat tabs. This means that when you join the plugin on the latest build and someone joins your session, you will be able to communicate with that person directly instead of everyone at once.
Lol I’m sorry! I didn’t even know he had an idea like this. I just made this one because there’s so little on the market right now sadly. Just making something to create a new market of plugins!
Your messages are now going to be filtered not by the Roblox filter because I couldn’t really add it successfully. So I developed my own filter that would detect swear words, even if you tried to bypass it. Sorry I have to add this so I don’t get this thing moderated by Roblox.
This looks great! I don’t have time to try it, but it looks better than the old, official one.
How long did it take you to make this?
How do the chat messages send?
It has been like a month since we knew Team Chat would be removed, so I’m glad someone made something.
I will continue my recreation attempt, which has a different goal: mimic the Team Chat instead of improving it.
I will also continue my standard attempt, which will kind of be an improvement, but it will not be a competitor. You might find out later!
It took me only two days to fully get it working with public chatting. January 31st - February 2nd. And they send almost instantly! Just type something in, it goes through my custom filtering system, and there! Instantly sent.
Also trust me, I tried to add the Roblox filter, I literally could not. People had the same issue with plugins, so I just made my own like someone suggested to someone else when they had the same issue. Not to worry, it does have bypass detection!
Quite sure it is for the same reason you can’t just make a custom chat system and a custom filter in-experience, but correct me if I’m wrong. I want plugins like this so I’m not hating, just like, if it gets taken down don’t be surprised.
It gets to other people via ServerStorage (not ReplicatedStorage because exploiters). It stores chat logs and chat tabs there. It detects any new chat logs, and updates the UI per new string instances. I’m thinking of making a different system in the near future, but not right now. And I really hope a custom filter isn’t against the TOS lol. Otherwise I’d call this RIGGED.
It updates game assets. I could add a datastore, but once again, that’s for later due to different systems that can be made for the future. Most likely cause for the script injection request I assume! Not everyone wants to have a datastore.
This method of filtering chat is most definitely against TOS since it’s just a table with words you cannot say.
No, you’re allowed to make a custom chat system, but not a custom chat filter. I said that poorly, I meant you cannot create a custom chat system AND a custom chat filter.
Well I’m not too sure what I’m supposed to do here. I’m pretty confused why you can’t use a custom chat system, and a custom filtering system. I cannot add the Roblox filter because plugin issues.