Migrating servers freezes them, which in turn doesn't teleport players to a new server

Whenever my team and I try to update our game, we use the migrate to latest update feature. We expect our players to teleport to a new server immediately, but instead the server freezes immediately and every player is in this disconnected but not teleported state, still receiving some data from the server like players disconnecting, but not any updates like players moving.

Here’s a video of it happening:

In the video you can’t see, but I still had a ping to the server and was recieving around 4kb/s

Expected behavior

I expect our players to get teleported and not get frozen in this disconnecting but still allowed to play state

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Hi, thanks for reporting this. Could you please share a client log from when the game freezes on teleport? Also to confirm your experience is Line to Fight 👊 - Roblox?

Thank you

Yes, the game is Line to Fight 👊 - Roblox and is it safe to send this publicly or should I DM you the log?

private message works, thank you!

Done! Private Message