Military-based GFX

Hello there! Could I get some feedback on the following GFX, please note; I have just started just under a week ago and this is my first official GFX so please be honest in order for me to improve. As well as giving feedback could you also provide tips on how I can make it better.


This is great, considering it’s your first ‘official’ piece. Decent background, clothing, posing. However, there’s not much motive going on. I would suggest:

  • More meaningful, dynamic posing, like if the guy on the right was motioning to his mate that it’s all clear, or peering around the corner)

  • Distinguisable focus, by either adding more lighting to bring the viewer’s eye to the two men, or by adding some focal blur-- or, better, both.

  • Up the subdivision on your brick wall. I’m assuming you added a displacement modifier to the wall to add some dimension? Correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t want to explain too far since I probably won’t be able to do a decent guide through just text, but basically try to increase the subdivision surface modifier on the wall so that the modifier has more to work with, and will be able to make a ‘smoother’ bump.

I’m just getting back into Roblox and Blender again, so take my brick wall advice with a grain of salt. The first two points are from a ‘viewer’ standpoint and I think will be good things to remember in some of your future works.

Again, really good for your first official GFX. I hadn’t even done backgrounds when I first started out, so you’re definitely on the right track. One last thing, good on you for doing some military-theme stuff. Also a very profitable part of Roblox. :DD


Thank you for the feedback! I will take these on board for further GFX!


Looks really good. What vest did you use because I have been looking for one exactly like that? Also what helmet did you use?

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