Military GFX |Roblox GFX|

This has got to be my favorite render so far!! Though this is my favorite one, there is still so much to learn and fix so please, any feedback would be appreciated!! (The thing I remembered is that I did not add in depth of field Yikes!)


This look a bit dreamlike or disrupted, too hard to see, and the space is very tight with little actions going on.


Yeah, I got to work on getting some better poses lol, I usually do similar poses for each GFX. Anyways, thanks for the feedback!! I may try to recreate this in the future with some more action going on and incorporate what you said!!


This looks absolutely amazing, but it seems like most of the image’s focal point is left empty
Maybe there’s room for a second person, or you could move the current person a little closer?
It took me a second to realize the dots were from the lasers of the gun, maybe that’s just me being dumb. You could add a partially transparent line from the barrel of the gun to the dot, showing that sort of connection between the laser and the dot
The lighting around the legs could use some work. It looks almost like the light is wrapping around the leg, giving the leg the appearance that it’s glowing


Another good tip, you could move the camera farther away from your focal point and decrease the field of view. For comparison, the first image above has a decreased field of view, and the second image has a normal field of view. This would put emphasis on things farther away or add a slightly dramatic effect to your picture which would look amazing


Thank you so much!! I had never thought of these things!

Thank you!! And would field of view be in the camera settings? And would the character on the chair be the focal point?

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It looks great, but the photo seems hard to understand. Also the ground textures look wonky with the rocks on the ground. The rocks textures don’t go well with the cement. It looks good though! Keep it up!

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The field of view property in roblox studio is just inside the camera, I have no idea where it is for blender

Your focal point would be the part of the image that the person is meant to be looking at or focusing on, which I’d assume would be the character in the chair in your case

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Not sure if this is any better but I tried to take in all the advice!!


thats sick!

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look’s cleeeeeeeeean i like it :fire:


Looks pretty good. I like it even more after the changes you have made.

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