Hello there, can I have some feedback on the following pieces of GFX (Please note that I am still fairly new to GFX so any feedback will be heavily appreciated )

Hello there, can I have some feedback on the following pieces of GFX (Please note that I am still fairly new to GFX so any feedback will be heavily appreciated )
If you only have been doing GFX for about 3 weeks, I say this is outstanding work! I love the backgrounds and the shine on the characters!
Thank you so much - this is very much appreciated.
Looks good! The first font looks a bit too bland in my eyes but the slight gradient kinda makes up for it. The second and third images are really really good, keep it up.
Thank you - I will make sure to try and find some different fonts!
I mean, the fact it’s close is kinda the point as it’s a profile picture - but whatever you say
I’m critiquing it as if it was viewed like this and not a pfp, but if it is for a pfp it looks pretty alright then
Alright! Thank you
They all look nice but:
The first one: The background looks like a 240p image, very low-res.
The second one: The character looks like it’s leaning on the whole mountain
The third one: No improvement needed
Thank you for the feedback!
in the first one the guy has a skeleton mask, that would be disapproved. also, I think you should have an actual set for the backgrounds, a real logo for the text, or just a better font, also.
What do you mean exactly by disapproved?
I mean like it doesn’t fit in with the military theme, people who got that logo (probably) wouldn’t like it.
It’s a profile picture for someone with their roblox avatar…
It’s from someone within the MMC who requested a profile picture.
How did you make that i also need a military logo so want to know how you make a logo like that