Milk Admin - Admin Commands

Milk Admin

Milk Admin is a free a admin commmands script.


  • Free and open source
  • Backdoor Free
  • Customisable
  • Secure
  • Comes with f3x btools
  • Clean Gui
  • Easy to set up and use
All Commands

about - Open about
cmds - Open commands
jump - Changes player jump power
kick - Kick a player
newpart - Creates a new part (it spawns in workspace)
btools Gives a player f3x btools
speed - Changes player speed
announce - Announces a message
Shutdown - Shutdowns the current server

Setting Milk Admin up

Insert Milk Admin into workspace. (it should be in workspace by default)
Delete ThumbnailCamera
Double click to open the script named “Milk Admin”

You can customise settings inside this script.

local Admins = {}

Adding admins is easy. You can add a unlimited amount of admins.

local Admins = {"MinecraftGamer69", "BaconHairMaster", "Ilikepizza123"}

I added MinecraftGamer69, BaconHairMaster and Ilikepizza123.

Lets change the command prefix! (optional)

local CommandPrefix = ":"

Change it to whatever you want.

local CommandPrefix = ";"

I changed it to ;

Version 2

New commands:
Announce - Announces a message
Shutdown - Shutdowns the current server

New features:
Discord Webhooks Integration

Version 3

Minor bug fixes and improvments
Removed Discord Webhooks due to issues


After 34 days, this model will no longer receive updates.


Why did you call it milk admin?


Cool admin and all, but why should I use this over any other admin command system (kohl’s admin, HD admin, etc.)

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Interesting, I’ll make sure to check it out, anything unique in your that differs from the rest?

More commands coming soon, im working on a discord intergration.

Alrighty, thanks for replying.

This is cool! Thanks for making an open source admin for people to use

Game changer! This sounds amazing. Bookmarking this post!

Nice work overall. Good UI too!

Noice, I’ll be using this in my game where you drink milk. No joke, I am making a milk themed game :sunglasses:

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Out of the topic, the shape of glass is really makes me feel aesthic.

Good job on milk admin🥛

The GUI isn’t exactly appealing and the commands are incredibly limited and could be coded in like 5 minutes…

What do you offer here that should make me want to use this over other admins like Kohls and HD admin? Someone else asked this but it seemed you ignored their post.

Hmmm. Does it come with a cookie? If not I wont take it. ANYWAY… Nice work! You spent your time to make it.

That’s not a feature that’s a legit requirement. :sweat_smile:

it’s good but also just looks like a re-vamped HD admin?

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The admin system looks good. You need to improve the interface.

It has a few useful commands but theres 1 problem. I can’t bind this with my group roles so it’s not gonna be useful if I start a group because if I start hiring staff then I can’t keep adding all of them. It’s gonna be alot.

For future ban functions feel free to use EZban: EZban ~ ban users without a hassle! - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox
Also I love the name lol.

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Perhaps to change the style a bit or use something a bit more unique i don’t know. shrug

(Good point though! xD)


When do you think that will be coming?

There should be a ban, unban, and kick command. I believe those are really important for an admin system. The ban command parameters would be

player, banType, banTime

banType would be TimedBan, and PermBan. banTime would be optional if you have PermBan as banType.

Anyways, good luck on Milk Admin! :milk_glass:

I like milk too!

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