Milon's Community Rules

Milon’s Rules

Here are our community rules.

  1. Disrespecting & bullying other users is not allowed and will lead to a game ban.
  2. Harassing Other users & Game Moderators are strictly forbidden. If you do harass others you will be permanently banned (no appeal).
  3. The use of exploits is forbidden and will get you banned from the game.
  4. This rule counts for everything, follow Roblox TOS else you’ll be banned from our community.
  5. Scamming & Asking Private info of users is not allowed and you will be punished if found out.
  6. Moderators will sort the problems out, arguing is not allowed. If you do argue you will be warned by the moderator(s) on scene.
  7. If you were caught glitching or bypassing systems, you will be temporarily banned from the game.
  8. Most important Rule, have fun and don’t forget to make friends!
