Milon’s Rules
Here are our community rules.
- Disrespecting & bullying other users is not allowed and will lead to a game ban.
- Harassing Other users & Game Moderators are strictly forbidden. If you do harass others you will be permanently banned (no appeal).
- The use of exploits is forbidden and will get you banned from the game.
- This rule counts for everything, follow Roblox TOS else you’ll be banned from our community.
- Scamming & Asking Private info of users is not allowed and you will be punished if found out.
- Moderators will sort the problems out, arguing is not allowed. If you do argue you will be warned by the moderator(s) on scene.
- If you were caught glitching or bypassing systems, you will be temporarily banned from the game.
- Most important Rule, have fun and don’t forget to make friends!