Ok, so far i only found 1 dot, but it wont let me move around
That’s weird. You can move around by pressing shift + scrollwheel at the same time and then you need to move your mouse when you press the keybind.
Ill try that right now. I’ll tell you what happens
Yes, now you need to select all the black dots in de corners of the floor. You will see the whole mesh will turn orange if you select every dot.
Oh wait. I was kinda close, i still need to do the bottom
I think you selected your character too. You can erase the selection by pressing c and then your scroll wheel and hover over the character.
Is that orange dot in that picture supposed to be black?
Yes, it’s the dots of your character. The only dots you need to select are those on the corners.
Yes, now you need to press the right mouse button. Then you go to separate and press Selection
Do I click the right mouse button in the orange square or outside of it?
Does not matter, you will get this menu
Yes, now you deselect everything and go back into Material Preview by pressing Z.
So, I basically have to click off the red square and press z?
yes, you need to press next to the objects, all the objects will be deselected. Then you need to press Z to go back in Material Preview mode
I’m doing that but the red square is still there
Can you send a screenshot? I need to see what your blender looks like