[MinhXD] Pathfinder (3D & 2D)

Functions :

  • SetConfiguration(table : config)
    Modify a pathfinder
  • FindPath(Vector3 : Start, Vector3 : End)
    Find a path from starting position to destination position
  • SmoothPath(table : path)
    Make the path more shorter

Feature & Configuration:

  • bool : instant
  • bool : showNodes
  • bool : groundlevel
  • table : blacklistparts
  • string : dimension (2d, 2D, 3d, 3D)
  • int : spacing
  • int : timeout

Script : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Minhseu123/Roblox/main/MinhXDPathfinder.lua
Changelogs : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Minhseu123/Roblox/main/Changes.log
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can you please add videos showing it in action?


I’m always busy sorry. Just try it, It work really fine and it also fast too

Who isn’t busy these days? With all the tension of schools/colleges/universities opening or have opened.
But yea ok. dk why I made this longer that usual.

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I mean, you should still add some despite you being busy.

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I was busy. My computer is broken right now and will be fixed. I’m on my phone btw that why I can’t make video.

Just don’t bother with pathfinding scripts, SimplePath is better.

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SimplePath uses PathfindingService iirc, which is flawed in a lot of ways.

What is SimplePath? is it other custom pathfinding?

My pathfinder can find path in 2D and in 3D and on the air. So I only recommend using my pathfinder for flying AI, objects :]

Why only flying if it can do all you mentioned?

I can’t seem to get this to work, it’s erroring with nodeWithLowestFCost.Position. Apparently, nodeWithLowestFCost is nil.