It’s so cute! <3
Print time: 15 mins
Dimentions (l, w, h): 21mm, 6mm, 28mm
Let me know what you think
It’s so cute! <3
Print time: 15 mins
Dimentions (l, w, h): 21mm, 6mm, 28mm
Let me know what you think
That’s very cute!
But what are you going to do with it?
Cute and it’s so tiny lol. Are you gonna try giving it more color?
Its so tiny and cool, also please dont eat it !
It looks so cute xd.
I’m gonna paint it like my avatar
Bruh, that’s cute.
You have two options now. If you’re:-
Good guy: Keep it as a merch or a personal toy
Bad guy: Squish it like a jellybean (jk)
Haha, I don’t even think you could squish it.
Very cool! What type of paint? And are you going to make it some accessories?
That looks adorable! Awesome job my guy.
Funny how all roblox characters about 1 inch tall.
It’s really cool! How did you make it?
It is made out of PLA… I don’t think you can eat it.
Even if you cant, i dont think you might resist to atleast try it.
Can you make me one?
3D printer. Lol.
I just exported a .obj of a roblox noob, then uploaded it into the program, turn it into a .gx, then put it on a usb and put the usb into the printer!
Totally not confusing…
No, sorry…
(I hate saying no )
That pretty cool! It seems a whole lot larger lol
if any one wants to know how to do this you go into studio and add a dummy and then click on it properties and click export options and export it as a .obj then put it on you put it on your 3d softwhere I personally use flash print then add supports if needed they put it on your drive they you print it.
Yeah. You need to remove most accessories tho.
I use FlashPrint too, as my 3D Printer is a FlashForge Adventurer 3 Lite I got for Christmas