Minimap Render [RoRenderV3]

Nvm I actually figured out. It’s kinda hard to explain but I’ll try in case someone has a similar issue.
My map is exactly aligned on the 1x1 grid (walls, floors have a size which is a multiple of 1 on all axis), that is the reason why I chose 1 pixel = 1 stud.
However, when I was adjusting the purple box, I also aligned it exactly on that grid using the Auto Configure feature. Because of imprecision in floats, when a position shown as, for example, 1, it might be either 1.000001 or 0.999999, so it causes the pixel to be rendered on inconsistent sides.
To fix this, I simply made the purple box 0.5 studs bigger on the axises, so that the program always checks the middle of walls and floors instead of its edges, resulting in a consistent result.
Here is the render I got this time, which is what I expected. It’s kind of unfortunate I have to change the lighting settings in this version for pixels to match the color of baseparts, but it’s fine.

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Keeps pausing at 51% and giving a 400 error. How to fix?

I figured it out, the meshes were set to the wrong preset.


I am having some issues with RoRenderV3, The Render is not showing my trees and it is making the render weirdly wide

  15:08:41.033  ... Initializing actors ...  -  Server - Render:23
  15:08:41.053  ... Actors Initialized ...  -  Server - Render:31
  15:08:41.179  CreateCollisionGroup is deprecated, please use RegisterCollisionGroup instead. More info:  -  Studio
  15:08:41.179  ... Computing Pixels ...  -  Server - Render:47
  15:08:43.184  SetPartCollisionGroup is deprecated, please use BasePart.CollisionGroup instead. More info:  -  Studio
  15:09:01.431  ... Sending Pixel Data ...  -  Server - Render:71
  15:09:05.527  ... DONE ...  -  Server - Render:121
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Can anyone help me with this??? its been 12 days since posting it. @reteach

Have you exported the image or are you just looking at the render preview? The render preview can look a bit wonky sometimes.

Yet another issue with the current version of RoRender…

In April I announced my intention to develop RoRender v4. Since then I have gotten married, moved, and a bunch of other life things.

But last month, life calmed down and I’ve had some free time to get development underway for the v4. Here is a video of my progress on the UI front end so far. Note, nothing here is final, just thought it would be good to give anyone interested an update on what is going on.


how do I use rorender on Mac? after using make in terminal, I get the window but when the plugin is running in studio no progress is shown

Make sure you are pressing start server on the GUI window && Press play solo on the studio window.

I do that, the render starts and all but no image was seen in the preview. I fixed it tho by editing the application code

This is amazing. How long? I need it now lol.

I’m looking for Alpha testers for this application in month or two if you or anyone else reading is interested in Alpha testing hit me up and I’ll get in touch with you once it is ready for Alpha.

For Alpha testers, I want y’all to take the perspective of “I just spent $50 to get access to this software. I just spent all that money and I’m disappointed it does not do xyz… or I spent this much money and I can’t believe that it is this buggy”. Looking for actionable feedback here. RoRender has been both widly used and had pretty abysimal UX. Hopefully this coming version will be a big jump up in functionality and UX.

Just showing off what the new editor can do:

The image has only been altered by the RoRender program, no other photo editing tools has been used. The first image is what the unedited output would be and pretty similar (other than the water missing) to what the current version of RoRender would spit out.




Will there be text for place names?

In the after pic, why are there anchors in the water terrain , and why are the house roof or what ever blue?

I’d be interested! I’ve rewritten this software in the past would be cool to try the new one!!

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He literarily says why.

*Just showing off what the new editor can do:

The image has only been altered by the RoRender program, no other photo editing tools has been used. The first image is what the unedited output would be and pretty similar (other than the water missing) to what the current version of RoRender would spit out.*

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Just a texture effect applied to the water layer.

And a seperate texture applied to the building overlay layer.

A texture is an additive “effect layer” that can be applied to specific sufaces ie: buildings and water. A user can currently select between 25 textures or choose none at all.


Pretty cool… here are the script(s) fixes to get this rolling with Roblox changes as of today…

--Render (ServerScript), replace Line 166 to: 

--ComputePixels (cientScript), replace function get_pixel_color to:
local function get_pixel_color(cf: CFrame): (Vector3, number)
	local raycastResult = raycast_ignore_transparent(cf.Position, RayDirection, R_RaycastParams)
	if not raycastResult or not raycastResult.Instance or not raycastResult.Instance:IsA("BasePart") then
		return, 0

	local pixelColor = apply_shade(get_material_color(raycastResult.Instance, raycastResult.Material), raycastResult.Normal)

	if ShadowsEnabled then
		if SmoothShadowsEnabled then
			pixelColor = apply_smooth_shadow(raycastResult.Position, pixelColor)
			pixelColor = apply_sharp_shadow(raycastResult.Position, pixelColor)

	return pixelColor, 255

After you Load the files… You’ll have to manually replace these lines.

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I’m working on a game that would benefit greatly from this. If you need help testing please let me know!

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