I am wondering if there is a way to mirror animations using scripts during a live game, I have a combat game cooking where I need weapons to be available in both hands requiring a normal and mirrored version of the identical multiple animations. (I have already looked at other topics and haven’t found anything useful)
What I am looking to do:
To mirror an animation during a game that is already running so I do not have to upload separate animations for normal and mirrored versions, I am able to edit animation keyframes and mirror them myself but I need to find a way to actually run that animation without having to upload it?
What I am not looking to do:
I do not want a plugin/script to mirror the animations for me, its not what I am looking for.
What you’d like to be able to do is not possible with the current Roblox Animator and AnimationTrack system. To make a workaround in Lua that supported blending, you’d end up writing a whole animation system, and with a huge performance penalty.