Mirror an existing animation and use it without uploading

I am wondering if there is a way to mirror animations using scripts during a live game, I have a combat game cooking where I need weapons to be available in both hands requiring a normal and mirrored version of the identical multiple animations. (I have already looked at other topics and haven’t found anything useful)

What I am looking to do:
To mirror an animation during a game that is already running so I do not have to upload separate animations for normal and mirrored versions, I am able to edit animation keyframes and mirror them myself but I need to find a way to actually run that animation without having to upload it?

What I am not looking to do:
I do not want a plugin/script to mirror the animations for me, its not what I am looking for.

Any help/info is appreciated, thanks in advance.


What does mirroring animations mean?

Unless you’re using cframe animations this is impossible I think. You need a track to play an animation, meaning you have to upload it.

for example if you have an animation where someone points with their left arm, the mirrored animation would point with their right arm

You could track the CFrame of motor6ds for each frame and use that CFrame for the opposite limb. But uploading an animation is better.

What you’d like to be able to do is not possible with the current Roblox Animator and AnimationTrack system. To make a workaround in Lua that supported blending, you’d end up writing a whole animation system, and with a huge performance penalty.

But you can just mirror the entire animation save though

The OP was asking for a way to mirror a published animation at runtime, without generating and publishing a mirrored copy.