For the first three, I’m not referring to the gear’s texture, but the icons used in the toolbar. The original gear are linked for reference, but directly below them are links to their respective toolbar icons.
Is it fine if people still use the original textures using ?Version=1 ? I just thought about this earlier and I’m curious for the answer since it is indeed possible for the texture + icon.
I’ve also been able to get the original textures by using asset delivery (would send but not sure if i should send them incase people try reuploading them)
There’s a small problem with the icon for the First Aid Kit
In the fixed texture version, the lines above and under the “FIRST AID KIT” text are green
However, in the new icon, the lines are now… red? The cross still has a bit of red left over on the edges and the cross also has weird lighting compared to the rest (it looks like its glowing for some reason).
Also, the Emergency Rations icon is also pretty poorly made (also has red crust on the cross)
Last thing: The Sci-Fi MedVac 4300 icon also has a pretty noticeable amount of red crust as well
Here’s a closeup of the red crust
Edit: press on the image, it seems to be broken unless you click on it