Misleading documentation on the Cross-Server Messaging page

The Cross-Server Messaging states that one of its uses is:

Realtime Server Browser — Show a constantly-updating list of servers and who is in them.

That makes it sound like all servers can know about all other servers, leading to misunderstandings like this: MessagingService ‘Messages received for entire game’ limit is incorrect - #11 by lexandstuff.

Contrast with the clear limit given for the first example use:

Cross-Server Chat — Players can chat with each other even if they’re not in the same server, assuming a maximum of about 20 players.

I recommend a more accurate description for the second example, such as:

Realtime Server Browser — Compile a list of all the game’s servers and who is in them (updated every minute) and display the list on a maximum of 20 servers.

Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi there,
Apologies for the long delay on getting this processed. I’ve updated the page here, to be clearer along the lines of your request.

Take care,