Missing Asset Types

Hey, I recently noticed there were a few gaps in the numerical order of the AssetType Enum (namely 6-7, 14-16, 20, 22-23, 25-26, 33, 35-37, 39, 59-60, 63, 74-75)

I’ve been trying to identify all of the undocumented asset types since, and the few that I’ve found are:
#33 - Experience YouTube Video,
#39 - Solid Model,
#59 - LocalizationTableManifest,
#60 - LocalizationTableTranslation,
#63 - TexturePack,
#75 - MeshHiddenSurfaceRemoval

From another post [can’t confirm that these are correct]:
#6 - HTML
#7 - Text
#16 - Avatar
#22 - GroupEmblem
#25 - Arms
#26 - Legs
#35 - App
#37 - Code
#74 - FontFace
#80 - CodeSnippet

UNKNOWN: #14, #15, #20, #23, #36

Obviously these are undocumented for a reason, but any help finding them would be appreciated. Would be cool to see a full list of all asset types

NOTE: There’s a way to verify the AssetType through this endpoint. It allows the authenticated user to check all items of a specific AssetType that they’ve created


I did some research, I think this post covered most of the missing AssetTypes but there are still unknown ones.

Appreciate the help! I’m also hoping to actually verify as many of the numbers assigned to the AssetTypes as possible (edited the original post with a scuffed way of doing that)

Hopefully someone has items of those types in their inventory and can confirm their placement

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