Missing information for HumanoidDescription properties, functions and events

In the API Reference for HumanoidDescription, there is no information for the properties in HumanoidDescription.
The only information in HumanoidDescription’s API Reference is its functions and events, that were inherited from Instance.

Edit 1: They removed the functions and events that were inherited from Instance. They are now replaced with HumanoidDescription’s unique functions and events, which also needs documentation.


Moving this back up to say that bare minimum documentation would be appreciated, less-so for the properties and moreso for the functions (but for the sake of consistency, just do all of it).

HumanoidDescriptions do have a dedicated use article, I understand, but the HumanoidDescription class page itself is still valuable for API reference. Some of the newer elements, such as emotes, aren’t present in the use article either yet functions exist for them.

Without such documentation, it’s difficult or impossible to just look through the class page to get a brief understanding of what a part of HumanoidDescription does and so we have to flock over to read the entire tutorial article regarding HumanoidDescriptions which in itself doesn’t answer many questions.