Has this been scrapped for Audio, as there ins’t any safety concerns with it → it will show audio of every user is the search matches with their published sfx/music
Has this option been removed without a reason again → you cannot discover published audio of unverified users anymore
I’m not sure about you, but the Search for users text input can find unverified creators itself. I think ROBLOX merged that option so the text input can find unverified users as well.
However, it does appear when you’re looking at every other category, like Models.
There might be some impactful difference between Audios and Models, since Models can hold malicious coding, but I’m not very certain.
Has this been scrapped for Audio, as there ins’t any safety concerns with it → it will show audio of every user is the search matches with their published sfx/music
It seems like that after I don’t even know how many years you can finally publish audio files to the marketplace again (it previously said ‘come back later’, despite later never happening until now)
Clicking ‘Submit for Review’ brings you to this page:
Quite insane how the UGC catalogue is filled with infringing content and plagiarism whilst even half-a-second sounds effects are behind verification through a personal identification in which you essentially provide a random third-party your government-issued details, as well as a biometric scan of your face that lord knows what will happen to it next. It even comes with a privacy notice
“Persona then reviews the face geometry extracted from your ID and selfie, and analyzes the age of your face to compare it to the date of birth from your ID. This is done to securely verify your age and identity, as well as to detect fraud.”
Surprised it hasn’t mentioned the words ‘Artifical Intelligence’ here yet (even though ‘analyzing’ is definitely done using some advanced algorithm as otherwise it wouldn’t be able to securily verify / accurately tell your age based on a scan.
*oh, it seems that both partners do make use of these advanced learning machines?
It then mentions that the biometric data is erased until further notice, which I sincerely doubt as
it’s valuable data that many may see interest in;
once registered, most likely remains in dispersed (anonymous) fragments and can easily be stored or tapped;
data is most likely converted or used for further data-model improvements
*since when is data ever fully wiped? cough Apple
And eh… the wording here doesn’t bring more entrustment
In addition, there doesn’t
which despite not mentioning anything about keepings and logging of the legal identidication documents which again don’t just disappear after an unknown holding period is over
“You don’t have to do it.” - sooner or later you will. You’ll indirectly be forced to, to not face exclusion
(try live a month without using a smartphone and you’ll see)
Can’t wait to do some iris scans to buy an energy drink at the local (in)convenience store in 2040 :P’
Well… turns out this post is quite a lot longer than I had hoped for. Crazy world we live in this day and age, where you have to identify yourself and distribute tonnes of valuable personal data to multiple random corporate businesses, all to upload a half-a-second audio sound effect for other kids and teens to use in their virtual experience.
No resources for an audio detection system instead? Back then loud audios, swearing and (to some degree) copyright infringing songs were deleted right away, as well as giving you a warning.
Has this option been removed without a reason again → you cannot discover published audio of unverified users anymore
So in the end it seems that this is the case after all - I’m not surprised.