Missing thumbnails and items

There are quite a few items that are just “?” without an item and its just a blank thumbnail of no item. These items can be fixed super easily by Roblox that we’ve seen.
The list includes the following:

Expected behavior

These items are lacking mesh, and a thumbnail. We’ve seen items even with dots or even a question mark can be fixed into an item so can these. Also there are some gears, but generally all they need is a thumbnail and mesh nothing else about having it be scripted into an actual item. It would be nice to see a fix on these items.


I don’t know about the other items, but An X. actually has a mesh, but no faces. I’m pretty sure at one point this asset was used as a stand in for content deleted or removed items, but with changes to the engine and how assets are displayed it shows the mesh instead of whatever image it redirected to. If you download the mesh you can see it has the same vertices as the Silverthorn Antlers, just no faces or edges.

@Spectaqual found this a while back and I think it’s pretty cool:

On a side note: I remember that in the past the gear US Military Top Secret Experimental Jetpack had a glitched thumbnail. I always thought this was intentional as the item was “Top Secret” and it would be cool if we could see it return. Though, if I am wrong and it was never intended please correct me.


That is an interesting fact about “An X.”, but it would also be cool seen on the Roblox shop off sale that is. I would love to see how a bunch of these items will receive fixes, and see what they turn out to be. When Alp had his report some of those items turned out to be which is very interesting.

With “An X.” I’m not sure if there’s a previous hat to go back to. The hat was originally a misupload of the classic antlers mesh, which quickly got overwritten with a joke about the Content Deleted icon. If you go back to an archive of the item’s page around release, you’ll even see a few comments talking about how this was a failed attempt at making the Wanwood Antlers!


But now it’s just sort of stuck. Can’t turn it into another set of classic antlers since that misses the original joke, but the old Content Deleted icon is long gone. Maybe the best option would be to continue the joke and name it after the empty void shown in the thumbnail, I’m not sure.

As for the ?'s, nearly all of those released around the early 2010s, where this grey question mark icon was used to mark assets which couldn’t load a thumbnail. Not downloading every single hat here since it’s pretty late at night, but I’d imagine they also fall in this weird grey area without a simple answer.



That’s pretty interesting, just curious of how this will go with being fixed. Maybe just missing thumbnails forever, or an actual item will be restored hopefully we’ll find out.

Bumping post, hoping for the odds of these items getting looked into.

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