Misusing Roblox Systems | Enforcement Ban (HELP!)

Okay, so… I’ve been using my account for around 6 years consistently to develop and play with friends. However recently, I was permanently banned for ’ Misusing Roblox Systems’ by ** creating or using an account to avoid an enforcement action taken against another account**I don’t know how this could’ve happened, maybe my alternate account got banned and I logged out without knowing?

I’ve tried to gather Information about this, but I get an automated email about the situation saying that they’re not able to help further, and more information Is not able to be shown to me.

I have also tried to appeal this before, but I keep getting the automated deny message.

I want my account back, especially because It’s worth A-LOT. I would really love It If someone could help me, I don’t want my account to be completely removed after the 30-day mark.


Ah yes, The Misusing Roblox Systems. You were hit by the most difficult-to-deal-with termination. It’s been talked about countless times on Reddit.

Your account was terminated because you had an alt account that was terminated recently, and this account had connections with your main account.

Some of these connections are:

  • Shared email address
  • Shared phone number
  • Similar usernames
  • Same date of birth
  • Any ‘obvious’ connections between two accounts in general.

It’s also determined by the same IP address, meaning if someone created a new account from a completely different IP address with a very similar username, you won’t get your main terminated because it’s a completely different IP address.

But it seems like the alt account was created on the same IP address as your main account, or was used on the same IP address, and your alt had connections with your main, so your main got terminated as a result of your alt being banned/terminated, because your alt had connections with your main, and both accounts were detected by the bots on the same IP address.

Kinda confusing but this is how it works … Hope it made sense to you

So, did any of your alt accounts had any of these connections with your main account? And was it fair? Was your alt banned/terminated fairly?

Because you’ll NEVER get your main account back unless you appeal your alt account and it gets approved, which is almost impossible if your alt was banned fairly.

I’ve seen countless people on Reddit who appeal this termination and it works, but not always.

Here’s a detailed guide on this termination. It explains how it works, how to avoid/prevent it and how to appeal it.


Ah, I understand now. I have other family members in my household who also use Roblox, and I need to discuss this with them to figure things out. If their accounts were fairly banned or terminated, I’m concerned about the impact on my account. Since this issue wasn’t directly my fault, is there still a chance for me to appeal the decision?

If their accounts were banned fairly, and their accounts had connections with your main, you 99.99999% won’t get your acocunt back … That’s the sad truth.

Because Roblox will automatically think that these accounts are yours, and you used them to break the rules, so they will terminate your main account as a result.

That’s very frustrating I know … You’re not the only one who was terminated without knowing about it … Literally countless and tens and tens of topics regarding this enforcement ban on Reddit.

Just discuss this with your family members and tell me.

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Okay, so, turns out my brother lied to me and got his account terminated for pretty harsh reasons, which led to his account being terminated. (Yeah, It’s cliche but the truth). At this point the hole Is pretty deep, and my account Is most likely screwed as you said. However, I’ll try and explain this to the Roblox customer support team, but doubt they’ll be able to do anything.

Roblox only moderates accounts if they share the same phone number or email address. To avoid issues like this in the future, it’s best not to link important information, like phone numbers or emails, between siblings’ accounts. Unfortunately, Roblox’s moderation system can be inconsistent, and it’s often hit or miss depending on which employee handles the situation.

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Damn, I’m really sorry that happened to you. I wish I could help you replace your account.


I don’t think we shared the same phone number or email between accounts, most likely something else though.

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Thanks man, It’s pretty annoying dealing with loosing an account worth so much, and having spent lots of time on It.

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I know how you feel, Ive personally been making a slow transition to another platform. if you have the motivation and ambition to make games its much better spent on a platform that doesnt have an iron grip on you. it can be stressful and take its toll emotionally. remember that YOUR future is bright, not roblox’s future.

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Yeah, explain the situation in a message, and then appeal your account with that message. Just keep spam appealing with proofs/evidence that prove your innocence (like for example, you can say that the Terms of Use does not state that the account owner is responsible for their brothers’ activity on Roblox), that’s all you can do.

Try the bot, if it didn’t work, try to let an actual human view your message, instead of a bot. If it didn’t work, try the bot again, and so on. Keep spamming.

I’ll try It, but I’ve recently tried to submit a second appeal, and they sent me an email stating that It’s already been reviewed and whatnot. (Screenshot Is attached)

So, should I continue bombarding them with appeals, In hopes I get a human?

This is a human. A human has reviewed your situation and decided not to unterminate you, unfortunately.

Leave humans for a little while. Don’t spam them because this will make them ignore you. Keep spamming appeals to the bots instead. Bots don’t get bored, and you can still appeal this termination after 30 days, don’t worry.

I have an alt that got terminated for the same reason on 21/6/2024, and till this day I can appeal it by sending appeals to the bots.

Gotcha. I’ll make sure to do that. Additionally to be clear, to get bots to respond to my email Is by going to Moderation > I was wrongfully moderated for something I said?

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Yes. This is how you get bots response.

To get a human response, go to I was wrongfully moderated for other content I created

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Weird, seems like I can’t get any bots to respond. For the entire time throughout trying to appeal my account, there’s been only humans responding. Despite the category I pick. At this point I’ll just have to wait It out for the human response.

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Yea I think bots no longer review enforcement bans.

I GUESS it’s because they removed the old moderation selection and replaced it with this

So yea, I guess bots no longer review enforcement bans.

I’ll also see if ExplodeWasTaken or Prestigious_Dance818 said anything about it on Reddit.

If not I’ll test it myself with my banned account.

Just pray for Roblox employees to unban you.

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