Mixamo animation floating when imported to roblox animation editor (.fbx)

The scales of both the animation and the rig are the same, im not sure whats causing it too float though, any ideas?


Alright I figured it out, basically go into blender and open up your fbx animation and then select the bone that moves your whole rig in my case its the hips, after that open up the graph editor

Then youll see this stuff

Select all the dots for Y Location, then just bring them down to your location of choice, after that just click on the armature and export it then import to it FBX Animation in studio

Voila it works!


Nice, Iā€™m a bit late for the party. Still, I found an alternative fix for me, All my animations for one character I was going to use are going to be from Mixamo, so what I did was to turn off can collide off my character and make a custom invisible collision box while placing the model a bit under the collision box, therefore, making it normal height when playing animations.

Faster way is to just make sure the bottom of your characters feet are touching the red line in blender before exporting :slight_smile: