Mixamo Plugin Released!

  1. why don’t you remove the background of the mixamo icon?



I recommend using https://www.remove.bg so you can remove backgrounds easily

  1. can I have screenshots of the new UI?

Here is how I do it: [2022] How To Export R15/Mixamo/MoCap Animations To ROBLOX! (STILL WORKS!) - YouTube

Sorry for that, i’ll do it right away, I just didn’t have time!

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The UI is a massive improvement. However, I think the rounded corners are a bit too much and it should be using DockWidgetPluginGui.

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Last time I did that people were experiecing issues with the gui, you can scroll up and see why (the scaling issue).

This is the scaling issue, i’ve also been experiencing it.

I would really love to use your Gui, if your willing to share it then PM me.

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Maybe, uh, try having the animations play in a ViewportFrame, rather than having to create thumbnails for each individual one.


I will do that, I didn’t know such thing existed since i’m no GUI maker!
But thanks so much for the suggestion.

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Why not use the Scale feature? (use AutoScale to convert Offset Size and position to Scale

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it has been 15 days since the last post. is there anything new?

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Well the thing is the only way to actually make this plugin work is to web scrape mixamo since mixamo dosen’t have an api and the worst part is that I don’t know how to code websites or web scrape either so I wont be able to get all the mixamo animations automatically, it is almost impossible to add all the animations manually due to the insane ammount of the animations in mixamo so currently im afraid I cannot keep updating the plugin as it is just simply not possible, if you find a web developer and someone who can host the website then we can talk, I wont be able to host the website because I simply don’t have money for it.

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now this is better icon for this plugin :wink:

The plugin link takes to a page saying “Could not load”

Like I said above i’m done with this plugin if you want to know why just scroll up and read.

Did you delete it or it got removed?

When you use this plugin and use the smart animations plugin and module (to make the animations stay in the place it finishes), it feels exactly like a Unity game!

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I did not delete it nor did it get deleted.