MM4 | Public Information Hub

MM4 | Public Information Hub


Murder Mystery 4 provides userbases on the Roblox platform with an experience they can enjoy however they’d like it! You can visit with friends, visit solo, meet new friends, communicate globally with other users from all around the world, and explore in-experience activities.

Information Hub

Moderation Information

MM4 Moderation handles all moderation inquiries and concerns related to the community experiences and socials. Administrators and above are the ones who are qualified and trained in this field. Our administrators work hard to ensure we maintain a professional and safe environment for all visitors to enjoy!

General Rules:

[1] Do not team with others, or cheat in any other way.
[] Teaming is strictly prohibited as it provides a huge disadvantage to other people in the experience. Cheating includes but is not limited to using alternative accounts.
[] Punishments: Data Reset or Game Kick

[2] Do not abuse special game perks.
[] Abusing special game perks will not be tolerated as it can be disruptive to other people in the experience. This includes but is not limited to playing loud/inappropriate audio on the radio system.
[] Punishments: Radio Ban or Game Ban

[3] Do not cheat during community events.
[] Cheating during community events is a moderation offense for obvious reasons. This may include teaming, alternative accounts, or using external software or internal experience glitches to take advantage over other users.
[] Punishments: Data Reset, Event Ban, or Game Ban

[4] Follow all Roblox’s Terms of Use.
[] You must follow all Roblox’s TOS whilst in-experience. Not doing so may result in punishment pending on severity, and a report filed to Roblox.
[] Punishments: Mod Warn or Game Ban


  • Data Reset: All game data such as levels, coins, inventory, xp, event, and other internal sources will be completely reset meaning your progress will be permanently deleted from Roblox and MM4 services.
  • Game Kick: You will be kicked from the current server you are playing in.
  • Game Ban: You will either be temporarily banned from the current sever you are playing in, or completely banned from the whole game permanently.
  • Event Ban: You will not be able to join future events, and this may come with your event data being reset immediately.
  • Radio Ban: You will not be able to play audios in rounds or anywhere else in-experience at all, meaning your radio will be completely disabled permanently.
  • Mod Warn: You will be promoted with a warning which you must agree to in order to close and continue visiting the MM4 experience.

MM4 Moderation team members will always attempt provide you with a moderator warning before taking actions, though this may not always be the case pending on the offense and the severity of the situation. You will only ever get one warning, and anything more than that will lead to further punishment. MM4 Moderation reserves the right to place moderation action(s) on users with authorization from their team leaders without, disclosing specific to the offender(s).

# We do not accept moderation appeals, all decisions are final unless a moderation mistake was made on our end.

Experience Basics

Murder Mystery 4 is fond on providing the best level of experience and enjoyment with all of our new incoming users and previous fans - this has been our goal since the start. There are many indicators around the experience map(s) to help guide you if you're a new player, though we will list basics here!


  • :gun:Sheriff: Eliminate the murderer to save the innocents.
  • :hocho:Murderer: Eliminate all, leave nobody behind.
  • :innocent:Innocent: Survive and escape the murderer!


  • :busts_in_silhouette:Level up by contributing to game rounds!
  • :package:Collect exclusive knives, guns, and more!
  • :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Trade with others!
  • :boom: Many different types of game modes to enjoy!

We hold community events quite frequently. During these events, we will have prize bounds ranked for a specific amount of XP. If you gain within or above the specified XP bounds, you will win the prizes in that prize bound once the event ends. Don’t forget to manually join the event each time by approaching the clone in the lobby castle!

Trading Details

Murder Mystery 4 is packed with exclusive and collectable items, some of which are ranked by rarity and value. Whilst we do not yet have an official value list for our community's traders to refer to, we have administrators qualified and provided with live statistics on each item to make a rough estimate on whether or not a trade is fair.


  • Do not trade for items that are a lower rarity unless it’s an item you like and are comfortable downgrading for.
  • Never ‘double trade’, MM4 does not limit the amount of items you can add to a trade so this would be unnecessary and most likely a scam!


  • If you ever happen to be scammed VIA a trade, you must contact an administrator. The MM4 Moderation leaders have direct access to all trading logs and can verify whether or not trades have genuinely taken place.
  • We will not recover items you lost through illegitimate deals, such as ‘borrowing’ items to somebody and they never gave you it back.
  • Our Moderation team will not guarantee each scam report will lead to a reimbursement of any stolen item(s) if any.
  • Investigators will not provide status, or reasoning for declining a reimbursement request.


  • Do not sell or buy your items outside MM4 for Robux or any other currency
  • Do not trust trade, double trade, or trade any other way than the official one in-experience
  • Do not scam or attempt to downgrade items from people who may not know the trading system as well as you do
  • Be fair with your offers, and remember all trades are logged and moderators can see

Violating trading rules could lead to your MM4 data being completely erased! Please be careful and always confirm things with an administrator if you are not completely sure.

Development Credits

Murder Mystery 4 is in no denial that there is other MMX based copies on the Roblox platform, however we do not categorize ourselves in that. Unlike many other copies available, the team at MM4 tries their hardest to ensure brand new item and gameplay content are frequently added and updated.

MM4 exclusive credits:

  • Zivao: Programming, UX, UI, Assets
  • Pxith: Assets

MMX exclusive credits:

  • Credits and special thanks to original MMX contributors.

# MM4 also sometimes utilizes public assets from the Roblox Avatar Shop, and Library for items such as knives, revolvers, and other inventory collectables. If you are a UGC creator and would like to be added to this credit section or would like your items removed, please get in touch with us VIA Twitter which is linked at the very top of this Information Hub! We would like to apologize in advance for any issues caused by this.


We hope that this hub answered any queries you had regarding the MM4 Community. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to inform an administrator.

Written by: Zivao
Approved by: MM4 Moderation, Cortadó Corporation
Last updated: Tuesday, 24th August, 2021