Mobile chat is live for iOS and Android users!

Hi everyone!

I’m super excited to announce that iOS and Android chat are both live for all users right now on phones and tablets! Woo!

Tada! Android chat in all its glory!

How do I use mobile chat?!
To try out chat, make sure you restart your app with the latest version (2.253.82470 for Android and 2.253.82297 for iOS). You should be able to see a ‘Chat’ tab in the bottom bar, where the ‘Messages’ tab used to be. You will then be able to view all your existing conversations, create one-on-one chats, and create group chats.

Where did Messages go?!
Fear not, we have not removed Messages – it’s now under the ‘more’ tab. We moved it because Chat in general is used more frequently than Messages.

Will I be able to send chat messages to desktop users on my phone?
Yes, all the messages are cross-platform. Any conversations you see on desktop should also be in the mobile app!

Known issues:

  • You may see the ‘Messages’ tab instead of the ‘Chat’ tab sometimes. We will be submitting a fix for this soon, but in the meantime, restarting the app should fix this.
  • There is no search functionality on Android chat – we are building this right now! We thought it would be better to get a searchless chat to you guys than nothing at all. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • In iOS chat, we show an extra header for under 13 users. We will be releasing a fix for this soon.

As usual, please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!



This looks great, it’s just like the website version.


Chat is used more than messages?! Who knew?
Good job I don’t use the app anymore to view my messages.


Here’s how my experience with responding to chat has gone:
“If you contact me again through chat I’m unfriending you”

Chat is great for some, but as any programmer knows, making yourself always available is super unproductive. I have all of my notifications settings set up for my chat clients and email so I’m not interrupted whenever I’m in the middle of something, but ROBLOX prevents me from doing that. It’d be nice if there were a way to set do-not-disturb/etc for chat, and a way to prevent chat from auto-opening (I don’t want chat to interrupt me browsing the site – I’ll read it when I want to).


I have a similar experience but mine is more “Send me a PM or I will lose this message”. It is also annoying because I normally have several tabs open in my browser so I get a million changing titles that I have to click individually to stop.


We are aware that the million changing titles is annoying. We’re thinking about just changing it to something static if you have multiple tabs open.

Also, just reading the conversation in one tab should propagate it across all open ROBLOX tabs. Is this still happening for you? If it is, please let me know, I’ll file a bug.

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This. I hate how there’s no setting to disable chat or hide noficiations


What do you mean by hide notifications?

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  1. Chat forces itself open whenever you get a message, even if you don’t want to read it at that time
  2. Tab text flashes between “” and “You have unread messages”, which can produce a seizure-inducing effect with multiple tabs open
  3. You get an audio notification whenever you get a new chat message that you can’t turn off

By hiding notifications, I imagine he means chat not auto-opening, text tab not changing from “”, and a way to disable audio notifications.


This is the biggest one for me. The audio notification can come up while I’m in the middle of developing and completely distract me, or while I’m doing a livestream. There no way to turn it off.


Regarding 2), as I mentioned above, I am looking into showing something static when multiple tabs are open. The flashing is quite annoying when you have multiple tabs open (which happens pretty often on ROBLOX).

Regarding 1) and 3), I’ll look into what we can do there. While I can make no promises about turning chat off completely, I do think we can make chat less annoying for users who get spammed a lot.


I don’t need chat to be turned off completely, but I would like to be able to enter a complete Do Not Disturb mode. If 1 and 3 are fixed, that’s pretty much all I’m asking for, but it’d also be nice if I could turn off tab text changing completely. It’d be less annoying if it didn’t flash, but for the purposes of DnD I’d like it to not change at all.

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I personally don’t want chat disabled. I make it a point not to respond to chat messages and to unfriend people who spam me because of the annoying alert. If there was a do not disturb option I’d actually use chat pretty frequently.


That’s great, now if only they could make the non-mobile website chat not suck.

I’m part of the ‘they’. What is sucking that no one else has mentioned in this thread?

Really nothing that hasn’t already been brought up lol. It’s a great feature for most players

Sometimes I will get chat messages sent to me twice, it’s slightly annoying. Idk what causes it, having multiple tabs of Roblox or what, but reloading the page makes it go away. That is until it happens again for another message.

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We are aware of that bug and will fix it when we get a chance to!

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Might want to be more specific, that is not exactly constructive. If you want something to be fixed, say what needs to be fixed instead of “it sucks”

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