Mobile doesn't display the correct player counts

Edit: Apparently not a bug?

One of the frustrating things I’ve found with using Roblox on mobile is that the player count is never accurate, and random games are suddenly appearing on mobile that I’m not seeing on desktop.
Look how bad all of these games look. This is the front page, the first 6 games any mobile player would see.


Mobile count is separate from PC.

In fact, I believe even tablet count is separate from mobile count.

Yeah like Ripull said, mobile count is not tablet count is not desktop count. The only way you can get the total online players is by favoriting the game and seeing it on your home page.

huh, then maybe this belongs in feature requests or something. If a game allows mobile and desktop, then it should show total players. This is the number of people I’ll be playing with and is relevant to me as a user. That would also presumably knock down those 6 fake games in the thumbnail, along with giving real developers a bigger audience?

At the same time, I can see the other side to this. Showing games with only the mobile players, kind of tells me which games are the most fun on mobile.


Yeh I think it gets across which games are good on a per-platform basis, however I also hate the fact it splits the audience numbers up and makes a game look less popular than it currently is.

It’s one of the reasons I stopped developing mobile-supported games on ROBLOX. I prefer to keep my player numbers altogether so I don’t play at a disadvantage.

In a perfect world, I’d love to see games rank based on how many players are playing across all platforms. In a logical world I know they won’t make this happen because it just doesn’t make sense to.

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If a game is popular on PC, people will just say it is compatible with tablet to easily take front page due to a larger number of PC players