Mobile emulator on studio has no thumbsticks

Now way to move characters, keyboard input doesn’t even work. Yes the mobile property is on for the device.

And just in case anyone thinks something in my code is disabling it, here’s a blank place.

Plus forcing modalenabled through the output has no effect.

I’ve been getting that too but I thought it was because of my edits to the PlayerScripts… guess not… but my work around was to manually make them visible lol

I’ve tried that, it used to work like a month ago, but not anymore.

How did you get those errors to appear? I ran into this same thing 2 weeks ago, but didn’t get any errors for it. So I just figured that the Emulator only changed the screen size, not touch events and other mobile stuff.

Mobile emulator simulate mobile input and is meant to have the thumbsticks and jump button present as well.

I got those errors just by trying to click the screen, but also from typing on my keyboard.

Are you using custom Player Scripts? I can’t get a repro with the default ones.

I’m use the default ones.
I’ll see if I can reproduce exactly what I did to get that error.