Mobile Group members icon sometimes missing

The Issue
Greetings, I’m currently reporting about a minor bug I found in mobile. I was going to my groups and suddenly noticed the group members icon is suddenly missing, and this may cause confusion, because the numbers alone, is not very helpful, as newer users, may get confused what’s the number is for.


Notice the group member icon is missing beside the number which represents how many members a group has.


When and How is it reproduced?

  • 10:31 PM Philippine Time, July 21, 2020, Thursday
  • It’s actually happening very randomly, sometimes it’s missing sometimes it’s not, as I’ve noticed, it’s happening sometimes when I force close my Roblox app, and open it instantly.


  • Apple Iphone XS Max

If Roblox could address this issue, and fix this minor bug, it would help users determine what the number is for beside the groups. Especially to younger and newer users.

I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?

It’s no longer occurring… thank you for your concern.

Alright. We will consider this issue resolved. If this issue begins to occur again, please file a new bug report so we can take a look at it.

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