There are two issues on mobile relating to when the Roblox game’s viewport is pushed up to delegate space for the on-screen keyboard.
Issue 1: Game viewport is still pushed up after keyboard is closed.
If a TextBox’s size is set to 0 pixels while the TextBox is focused, and then the keyboard focus is lost without enterPressed (for example, pressing the back button on an Android), the white area for the keyboard stays up despite the keyboard being closed. This resolves itself after a touch input on the frame.
Steps for replication:
- Focus on a TextBox to allow the mobile keyboard to show
- Set the size of the TextBox to {0,0,0,0}
- Click the back button on Android or another method to lose focus of the keyboard without pressing Enter
- You should see that the white space below the game’s viewport is still visible.
Issue 2: Game viewport is fully obstructed by keyboard white space.
If a TextBox’s position is set to below the Screen size while the Textbox is focused, the game viewport will be pushed completely off the screen, and the screen will appear white. This is resolved after the keyboard is closed.
Steps for replication:
- Focus on a TextBox to allow the mobile keyboard to show
- Set the position of the TextBox to below the visible screen (example, {0,0,2,0})
- You should see that the entire screen is covered by white.
Combined, these two issues can softlock the mobile game. If you execute both simultaneously, you will be unable to use any CoreGui to leave the game nor will you be able to access the screen to dismiss the keyboard white space.
The video below shows both issues respectively, along with the combined result.
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