Mobile mouse/gui help

Hello, recently i got a problem with mobile game controls. I made a Mouse.KeyDown event, but if i jump or press gui button, it still works, how would i make that if i press any gui button the function will ignore?

What do you mean by “if i jump or press gui button, it still works.
You want player not jump when the UI button is clicked?

No, I want to make it so that if the player on mobile device presses jump button or any GUI button, Mouse.KeyDown event will ignore that.

Well Mouse.KeyDown is so old.
You should use UserInputService


local userinput = game:GetService("UserInputService")
    if obj.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
         print("Key is pressed on a keyboard")

I tried UserInputService too, and i found in there TouchTap event, but it is the same, it won’t ignore GUI buttons, that’s the problem.

Well I still dont understand this line.
What are you trying to make exactly? You can check if player is jumping or not by using Humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jummping then it will return false or true depending if humanoid is jumping or not.

My bad, i said Mouse.KeyDown but i meant Mouse.Button1Down, i want Mouse.Button1Down event to not work when any GUI button is being pressed :sweat:

Ohh, I still don’t understand what are you trying to make.
Can you explain it to me in detail well I got it you are trying to pause button1down event.

But why? like if player is click (A) button then they cant click (B) button?

So, basically i want player, for example, attack by tapping screen on mobile, and there is a GUI button to switch weapon, but whenever he presses this GUI button he switches weapon AND attacks, but i want him to just switch weapon, without attacking. I want Mouse.Button1Down to not work when he is switching weapon.

I see, you can add a bool value in player.

and for your Mouse.Button1Down

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
    local db = player.Debounce
    if db.Value == true then
    -- your code stuff here

Now your gui button

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
    local db = player.Debounce
    db.Value = true

    -- gui button stuff here

     local db = player.Debounce
     db.Value = false

Oh, i got it now, thanks a lot! :slightly_smiling_face:

you can make a blacklist table with blacklisted ui’s that you dont want triggering the attacks and you can use this and pass in the mouse / tapped positions and check if any of the ui’s are blacklisted if so do not do the attack so something like:

local pg = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
local blackList = {pg.Inventory.MainFrame} -- or anything this allows any ui object such as frames

     local hovering = pg:GetGuiObjectsAtPosition(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y);
		for _, val in pairs(blackList) do
			for _, hover in pairs(hovering) do
				if hover:IsDescendantOf(val) then

this should alloww you to blacklist frames very quickly

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Thanks, this is a good one too, but i already found out that UserInputService.TouchTapInWorld already had a bool, which is false when it is not pressing any gui and true if pressing a gui :slightly_smiling_face: