Mobile Players can't jump

Mobile players needs to be able to activate a remote when touching the screen. However, this disables the ability to jump on mobile. I tried different ways such as using jumprequest or different events. I can’t figure out how to fix this.


if UIS.TouchEnabled then
elseif UIS.KeyboardEnabled then
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I can’t recreate this behavior using TouchTapInWorld and default controls on my phone. Does commenting out that snippet cause jumping to work again on mobile?

Sorry for the late response. I had school to worry about. Yes when I comment it out, the player can jump.

Hey, can you make your own Jump Button?

I could try. It doesn’t seem too hard besides the positioning since its different for all devices/

You can just use Scale instead of Offset and also I’m pretty sure that Jumping is a core function.

I’m not sure what you mean by core function but I do know that you can force a player to jump.

Nevermind, its not a core function(where you can do :SetCore) but the code for it is:

game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true

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