Yeah. It’d probably be great for roblox’s $$$ as well.
I’ve mentioned this before, but there are lots of scalability concerns that we have to address before we can do this. That said, this is something we want to do and we know it’s a highly requested notification.
Seranok has a mobile item notifier. Surely you can incorporate his!
Caelestene mentions:
AFAIK the concept behind the notifier would not be scalable at all for such a huge audience.
You usually write a system with some qualities in mind, and some other code that performs the same functionality may fulfil different quality aspects even though the user experiences it in the same way.
In the meanwhile you can use this unofficial app to get notified of new catalog items:
Boo, no shameless plugs allowed here!
Yep, pretty much this. We built our current notifications in a way that doesn’t scale well if we have to send out mass notifications. Right now, our notifications are pretty much one-to-one. E.g. someone sends you a friend request, you get a notification. Someone sends you a PM, you get a notification.
Once it becomes ‘a catalog item is out, send to everyone available!!’, it doesn’t scale as well. Trying to push a notification to a million people at the same time would be crazy for our current system.