Mobile Scripter-Script from anywhere(BETA)

Let’s get straight to the point. This is in no way a very good alternative to using studio itself more a way to code via phone. So to do this first thing you need is my plugin which basically just sets up a datastore and then periodically checks if the code changes. This will link it to the website. Next what you want to do is create an api key and if you don’t know what that is or how to do that then I suggest you take a look at this post as A. it explains how to use/get an api key and B. It is using the same urls to make this work.

Right now that you have installed the plugin and loaded the game at least once what you want to do is go over to this link It takes in about 4 parameters first is the code you want to send (FOR SPACES USE UNDERSCORES) next is the universe id (not placeId) of the game. 3rd is the ApiKey and 4th is the name of the script. So after your url should look a bit messy and something like this:“Hello_World:”)&UniId=1234&ApiKey=ghfdhjhjdsda1243423&name=Main

This is in beta and I will be making it easier with textboxes instead of the url aswell also your free to look through the code here (just scroll down and press view source) as you might get suspicious about what it does with the Api_Key so ye enjoy :slight_smile:

Oh and by the way don’t try publishing it right after as it will only set the script if you log in or the plugin is running

Any bugs please tell me here

you must use to make it function on mobile, but web browsers require wifi for it to work, and there isn’t even an app for


Use data? What is wrong without having an app. I tried it on my phone and it worked fine

you can accidently scroll the entire page

The concept is good but useless because this requires that you have studio open to update the code so why would someone prefer coding on mobile rather than on pc?


It doesn’t return anything just a json format of something from roblox

I know it wasn’t meant to be a replacement but say your laptop ran out of charge and an update needs to be done by tonight or you went somewhere and something broke all you would need to do is change the code via the website then if you have a team ask them to log on or just wait until you get back. Anyway this is in beta and I am looking into ways to keep it always updating.

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There is one empty html file and one empty JavaScript file and I agree with @NinjaFurfante07

Yes I was testing a page and am gonna leave that in there for future pages :slight_smile:

I guess it would be useful if you were leaving the house and wanted some productivity while you’re out. :person_shrugging:

But anyway there’s very few good mobile IDE’s out there. Even some of the best are a pain in the hind to navigate and type with let alone one in js/on the web.

Regardless, good luck! Clearly, this was useful to you, and that’s why you made it. So, hopefully people in similar situations may find it useful.


I don’t see a use case for this. If I’m away from work or in another place, when am I going to pull out my phone and do some quick development in my environment? Programming on a phone is a complete nightmare, especially with having a website, because it doesn’t have the capabilities of a coding environment that you might already take for granted.

Also, if I’m programming my phone, studio still has to be open and actively listening for changes. If you’re computer is on… why not just use that?

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With this everyone can edit anyone game :smiling_face_with_tear: