When we auto correct the User Input ( in my case its to limit the input to Number Only ) we have to use the GetPropertyChangedSignal on the Text Input.
On PC and Console it works well, but on mobile, it seems like the input are always duplicated
Here is a Code Example of the usage of GetPropertyChangedSignal :
NewInput.TextPromp.Text = NewInput.TextPromp.Text:gsub(OptionInfo.TextConstraint or "", "")
Sure, Here it is.
You will have to play on Mobile and on the Published Experience to be able to reproduce the Bug since in Studio we dont have access to the Mobile keyboard for unknowned reasons!
The TextBox Only allow Numbers, Here is the Code for it!
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local ScreenGui = localPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
local TextBox = ScreenGui.Frame.TextBox
TextBox.Text = TextBox.Text:gsub("[^%d,kmb]", "")
I wasnt able to reproduce with my Iphone today strangly. I asked one of my player to test and they also have an Ipone and was able to reproduce but it took several time.
Hi @ThePoinball thank you for providing additional details. We are unaware of a fix that was deployed specifically for this issue, however its possible that an unrelated fix was deployed that may have impacted how this bug behaves.
We hope to provide more details soon as we continue to investigate, and may have some follow up questions for you! Thanks.
Hi folks, thank you for reporting this, and thank you for your patience. We’ve rolled out a fix for this, please feel free to follow up if you’re still seeing issues.