Mobile Text Input GetPropertyChangedSignal Bug

When we auto correct the User Input ( in my case its to limit the input to Number Only ) we have to use the GetPropertyChangedSignal on the Text Input.
On PC and Console it works well, but on mobile, it seems like the input are always duplicated

Here is a Code Example of the usage of GetPropertyChangedSignal :

	NewInput.TextPromp.Text = NewInput.TextPromp.Text:gsub(OptionInfo.TextConstraint or "", "")

A lot of other devs are having the same problem, Here is a post that is 1 year old with the same issue : TextBoxes typing problem - #25 by ThePoinball

I think its a high priority problem since it impact all Mobile users in games that are using auto correct Inputs

Expected behavior

The output on Mobile is suppose to return exactly what the user typed.

Right now if the user type : 8
it will write in the text box : 888

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We found someone to take a look at this! We’ll get back to you when we have an update.

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Hey Do you we have any news on this?

Just pinged the engineers for an update.

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