MobileControls - Module for editing mobile controls

This code is old and has been revised into a second version MobileControls2, if people are interested in this I may make a Github and docs for this.

(Please contact me if you’d like this stuff)

Warning: The first version requires the buttons to be in a certain format where the button if a Frame with an ImageButton inside called “Icon”. MobileControls2 supports these old versions of button if there is a child named “Icon”. If a button doesn’t work it may be due to that.

UI Control Editing Module for Mobile Devices

A system that allows for the player to easily edit the placement and size of mobile controls / UI, while also being simple to implement into your GUI.


Roblox Model - MobileControls - Roblox
Demo Place - mobile - Roblox

The module will automatically the default data based on the buttons’ positions and sizes when initiated.

It doesn’t automatically save to datastores or anything like that but it does give the developer the ability to connect a function to clicking the save button. (module:SetSaveFunction())

It also lets the developer set the “Selected” function, the default just sets a yellow stroke around the selected UI. (module:SetSelectFunction())

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for how I can improve this, let me know!


This is really nice @NeonD00m thanks ill use it for my fps game


Hi Neon , how can i call this module script to apply my workspace.

Hello, do you plan on making this include custom joysticks?

If I was to add joysticks or other types of controls I would probably remake the entire project, but for now, there are no plans for updates.

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