MobileTouch [V.2] - Multitask Module for Mobile Buttons



Greetings Roblox Developers

There is a lot of Mobile Users in Roblox, that’s why i decided to made a Module that help you to manage Mobile Buttons easier as an alternative way instead of ContextActionService.
The main objective is to increase the mobile users experience quality by having customized buttons to fit with your game style.

This module allow you to create an unlimited amount of mobile buttons which are 100% customizable, updatable and usable at any time.


MobileTouch - Version 2
Last Update: 11 January 2023

Global Improvements Update

  • Some verifications and “warn” messages has been added and adjusted.
  • [Activated] function name changed to [Button_Activated], and it now support a Button TableName as a first parameter.
  • [Updade_Button] function now support a Button TableName as a first parameter.
  • Added a new function [Button_SetNewTemplate], it allow you to change the button template design in real time.
  • The default starter local script has changed a litle bit.


Everythings is also approximatively explained in the default starter local script !

Template Informations

Ui Templates are the buttons design you’re going tu use for your mobile buttons.


The Frame, it is the main parent of the template, it is invisible as it mostly serve as a storage to put all the design Ui inside it.
His Name will be your Template name you have to use in the settings table while creating a button in the script (Theme = Template.YourTemplateName).
Once you created a button in the script, the Frame Name will be changed to your Button Name you choosen (Name = "ButtonName").
You don’t need to change it’s size and position as it will be set into the script while creating a button.


The Button, it is the button which will be used to tap on, each template must to have only 1 button, no more, no less.
Of course you can use ImageButton and TextButton, the button have to be inside the main frame and keep his name “Button”.

Infos Folder

The Info folder, there is an Image and a Title inside it, these are the informations hover the button that approximatively say to the user what the button do.
A button can have only 1 info to be shown, a Title text or an Image, so only the selected info will become visible and it’s settings will be applied once you created your button inside the script.
You don’t have to change anything in the Image properties as his Id will be set inside the script, you still can eventualy change his size and position.
You can change the Title however you want, font, color, stroke ect…
Same as the Button, all the objects Info, Title and Image have to keep their name and placement.


The UIAspectRatioConstraint, It is just a modifier to make your button keeping his shape and avoid getting deformed in differents screen size.


Other than that, you can edit the Template however you want to do your own button design for your game, just take care to don’t name decoration object as the same name as these important objects.
Some Template are already created by me as a free features and also as examples, you still can duplicate them and put them into a ScreenGui inside the StarterGui, then inspect them and edit them.

Creating Buttons

A new button can be created inside the local script by using a table to refer the main button settings then call the required module function.

Create a new Table
local TableName = {
Set the Button Name
Name = "ButtonName";
Set the Button Theme (Template of Button Design)
Theme = Template.DesignName;
Set the Button Info (Image or Title)
Info = {"Title", "Text"};


Info = {"Image", "ImageID"};
Set the Button Position
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55);
Set the Button Size
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167);
Call the Module Function
Full Example Script
local MobileTouch = require(script.MobileTouch) --Require the module
local Template = script.Template --Get the folder where there is all the buttons designs

local Button1 = { --The button table settings
	Name = "Test1"; --Choose the Button Name
	Theme = Template.Classic; --Choose the visual Button design (in template folder)
	Info = {"Title", "Text"}; --Choose the Button information
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55); --Change the Button Position
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167); --Change the Button Size

local Button2 = { --The button table settings
	Name = "Test2"; --Choose the Button Name
	Theme = Template.Classic; --Choose the visual Button design (in template folder)
	Info = {"Image", ""}; --Choose the Button information
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.85, 0.4); --Change the Button Position
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167); --Change the Button Size

MobileTouch.Create_Button(Button1) --Create the "Button1" (Name of the Table)
MobileTouch.Create_Button(Button2) --Create the "Button2" (Name of the Table)

Updating Buttons

Once your buttons are created, you have the ability to update their main settings at any time (Exept the button name and template design).

Create a new Function

Don’t forget to put a parameter to the function, it is refering the [selected button] you want to update.
You can choose the parameter name of your choice.

local function Updating(Button) --Function created to update a Selected Button
	Button.Info.Title.Text = "Updated" --Change his Title text info
	Button.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.1) --Change his position
	Button.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.2, 0.334) --Change his size
	Button.Info.Title.Text = "Text"
	Button.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55)
	Button.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167)
Call the Module Function

3 options are available for the first parameter while calling this function.

--(TableName, FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Updade_Button(Button1, Updating)
--(TableName.Name, FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Updade_Button(Button1.Name, Updating)
--("ButtonName", FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Updade_Button("Test1", Updating)
Full Example Script (including the button creation)
local MobileTouch = require(script.MobileTouch) --Require the module
local Template = script.Template --Get the folder where there is all the buttons designs

local Button1 = {
	Name = "Test1";
	Theme = Template.Classic;
	Info = {"Title", "Text"};
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55);
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167);

local Button2 = {
	Name = "Test2";
	Theme = Template.Classic;
	Info = {"Image", "ImageID"};
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.85, 0.4);
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167);



local function Updating(Button) --Function created to update a Selected Button
	Button.Info.Title.Text = "Updated" --Change his Title text info
	Button.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.1) --Change his position
	Button.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.2, 0.334) --Change his size
	Button.Info.Title.Text = "Text"
	Button.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55)
	Button.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167)

MobileTouch.Updade_Button(Button1, Updating) --(TableName, FunctionName)
--MobileTouch.Updade_Button(Button1.Name, Updating) --(TableName.Name, FunctionName)
--MobileTouch.Updade_Button("Test1", Updating) --(ButtonName, FunctionName)

Activating Buttons

Buttons can be activated at any time using 4 differents activation modes.
Same as the buttons updates, you have to create a new function first, then use it to do whatever you want when tapping on the buttons.

Create a new Function
local function Action() --Function created to do something when the Selected Button is activated
	print("Button Activated")
Call the Module Function (4 activation modes)

Mode n°1 - “Pressed”
Play the function when the button is simply pressed.

--(TableName, "ActivationMode", FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Button_Activated(Button1, "Pressed", Action)

Mode n°2 - “PressDown”
Play the function when the button is pressed down.

--(TableName, "ActivationMode", FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Button_Activated(Button1, "PressDown", Action)

Mode n°3 - “PressUp”
Play the function when the button is pressed up.

--(TableName, "ActivationMode", FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Button_Activated(Button1, "PressUp", Action)

Mode n°4 - “HoldPress”
Repeatedly playing the function every (WaitTime) while the user is hold pressing the button, it stop playing when the user stop hold pressing it.

--(TableName, "ActivationMode", FunctionName, WaitTime)
MobileTouch.Button_Activated(Button1, "HoldPress", Action, 0.25)

Like the [Update_Button] function, there is also 3 options for the first parameter.

--(TableName, "ActivationMode", FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Button_Activated(Button1, "Pressed", Action)


--(TableName.Name, "ActivationMode", FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Button_Activated(Button1.Name, "Pressed", Action)


--("ButtonName", "ActivationMode", FunctionName)
MobileTouch.Button_Activated("Test1", "Pressed", Action)
Full Example Script (including buttons creation & update)
local MobileTouch = require(script.MobileTouch) 
local Template = script.Template

local Button1 = {
	Name = "Test1";
	Theme = Template.Classic;
	Info = {"Title", "Text"};
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55);
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167);

local Button2 = {
	Name = "Test2";
	Theme = Template.Classic;
	Info = {"Image", "ImageID"};
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.85, 0.4);
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167);



local function Updating(Button)
	Button.Info.Title.Text = "Updated"
	Button.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.1)
	Button.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.2, 0.334)
	Button.Info.Title.Text = "Text"
	Button.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55)
	Button.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167)

local function Action() --Activation Function
	print("Button1 Activated") --Print to see if it work
	MobileTouch.Updade_Button(Button1, Updating) --Include a Button Update function

MobileTouch.Button_Activated(Button1, "Pressed", Action) --(TableName, ActivationMode, FunctionName)

Setting a new Button Template [NEW]

This function allow you to set a new button template (design) to the selected already created button in real time at any time using only one line of code !

Call the module function
--(TableName, Template.DesignName)
MobileTouch.Button_SetNewTemplate(Button2, Template.Classic)


--(TableName.Name, Template.DesignName)
MobileTouch.Button_SetNewTemplate(Button2.Name, Template.Classic)


--("ButtonName", Template.DesignName)
MobileTouch.Button_SetNewTemplate("Test2", Template.Classic)

Planned Updates

  • Ability to change the default design of “Jump” and “Moving” mobile buttons.
  • Ability to set different visual effects to the created buttons while taping on them or permanent moving effects.
  • Adding a lot of new Template design for you to use.

Current Template Included

:information_source: Feel free for you to share your own created templates for free to the community in comments !





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  • No

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  • Very bad
  • Bad
  • Medium
  • Good
  • Very Good

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Thank you for reading ! :grin:
Having any questions, feedbacks or suggestions, feel free to share them in comment !


Global Improvements Update
The main post has been edited, the Tutorial section got improved and better explained, the Introduction section got rewrited, the Post Name also got rewrited and the Current Template section has changed.

  • Some verifications and “warn” messages has been added and adjusted.
  • [Activated] function name changed to [Button_Activated], and it now support a Button TableName as a first parameter.
  • [Updade_Button] function now support a Button TableName as a first parameter.
  • Added a new function [Button_SetNewTemplate], it allow you to change the button template design in real time.
  • The default starter local script has changed a litle bit.

Please tell me if you find any bugs !

1 Like

Hey everyone !

I saw in polls that most of people think the module can be pretty usefull overall but unfortunatly not enough well made to use it for now, considering the bad and medium ratings.
That’s why i’m currently entirely reworking it to do a better version using better OOP methods to make it even easier to use.

Considering how CAS is made for mobile buttons, i’m planning to do something pretty similar using only 3 functions to manage your mobile buttons.
Let me know what do you think about it, feel free to give me feedbacks and suggestions, thanks.

New planned version (script)
local MobileTouch = require(script.MobileTouch)
local Template = script.Template

Naming a button "JumpButton" will delete the default mobile jump button and set this new one instead.
Naming a button "MoveButton" will delete the default mobile joystick button and set this new one instead.
JumpButton and MoveButton only use template design and info, they will be automaticaly placed at the default JumpButton/Joystick pos/size.
JumpButton is considering DevTouchMovementMode, it will be disable if "Dpad" is selected.
MoveButton is considering DevTouchMovementMode, it is working only for "Thumbstick" mode, it not support other options including "DynamicThumbstick".
Adding function into these buttons can also work in case if you wanna do something while jumping or moving.

local Button1 = {
	Name = "Test1";
	Theme = Template.Classic;
	Info = {"Title", "Text"};
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.75, 0.55);
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167);

local Button2 = {
	Name = "Test2";
	Theme = Template.Classic;
	Info = {"Image", ""};
	Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.85, 0.4);
	Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1, 0.167);

local function Action1()
	print("Button1 Activated")

local function Action2()
	print("Button2 Activated")

--Create button, choose activation mode, link the function, choose effect while tapping (optionnal)
MobileTouch.BindButton(Button1, "Pressed", Action1, "Effect")
MobileTouch.BindButton(Button2, "HoldPress", Action2, "Effect")
--Rebinding an already created button will just update it with the new activation mode, the new function and new optionnal effect you choosen.


Button1.Theme = Template.Cartoon
Button1.Info = {"Title", "Updated"}
Button1.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1*2, 0.167*2)

Button2.Theme = Template.SciFy
Button2.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.1*2, 0.167*2)

--Update button using new settings we changed above


--Delete button and his linked function / effect
1 Like

Hey I love how this works and the fact that you can customize the background unlike ContextActionService, I can finally have “ContextActionService buttons” with the new Roblox mobile jump button style!

Is there any way to make a custom thumbpad using this?

Please post images or videos. Thanks!