Mobile/Xbox Gui support. Do I need to do it?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Gui support for mobile devices.

  2. What is the issue? Not sure if I need to add Gui support for mobile devices.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried rescaling it. Not sure if it works, because I don’t have a phone.

I don’t need any code here. Not asking for code either. I just need to know, do I need to script my gui’s? They’re just pretty standard gui’s. They work well for my PC and tablet, but I have no idea if they work for a phone or xBox. I’m not sure if it automatically sets gui’s for what device is being used, but either way, I just need to know whether I need to script my gui’s or not.

-- My gui's contain no code. They're just put in their desired position.

Everything looks fine. But I’m not sure if it’s actually fine. I don’t have a phone or xBox, so I have no idea what it looks like when being used on either device. Do I need to script my gui’s? Or is it automatically scaled?

Gui’s should work for any devices, if you want a TextButton to work on all devices, you should use Activated and not MouseButton1Click, overall your game should be fine

Roblox already has somewhat of an xbox compatibility with ui already built into your game. Do you want your game to be able to be aplyed on xbox? I don’t think there is cross compatibility with the different platforms like there is with computer and mobile.

In order to see if your GUI would look okay on a phone, you can use a lesser-known feature already built into Studio!

Just go into the Test tab, find the Device icon:
Click on it, and then your screen would look like this:

You can also click on the dropdown menu to change what phone to “emulate” inside Roblox.

You can see where Roblox places the mobile controls if you start the game while the “emulator” is active.

But this should help you test for phones. Enjoy!

Sorry for such late responses. And I’ll try this by the way! Thanks!

Thanks for that! So sorry this took almost half a day :expressionless:. Anyways, that worked and I’ll be sure to use that a lot! And a huge thank you to all of the other people who helped me out and gave suggestions!

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