Mockup: Plugin Install Verification Prompt


This prompt could act as a security layer that makes sure the user confirms they want to install this plugin. The prompt also clearly states if the plugin was endorsed by Roblox or not.

It clearly shows the plugin name, the creator, and a Like to dislike percentage

The “What are the risks” button, redirects to this page:

(and yes, i did open it in a qwidget, pls dont hurt me engineers)


This seems like a good idea, I think that Roblox should have one of these for both plugins and free models!

Nice UI, there is a nice constant theme throughout. I don’t really think this is a good idea, though. It would get in the way a lot and I believe there are other solutions. This idea has a few flaws which I will go through:

  • Plugin can be like botted
  • How can you trust a plugin? An average person would not recognize an official creator.
  • I dont see this window changing anyone’s mind. If the press install they already made their descision. If any, it would scare some people into not getting the plugin at all even if its safe.

I made a topic about a plugin verification Idea while back and that system also has flaws but if you want to check it out, here it is:

Back to the UI, I think you can improve it by changing the font and the error symbol to something more modern.

I did not know this. I guess I’m behind on Roblox’s updates :stuck_out_tongue:

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Roblox does have an approved plugin creator system, these are the plugins you see in the toolbox. The plugin library section (and in extent the rest of the library), does not seem to push endorsed models first as it really should.

This GUI is designed to try and mirror the Qt elements used in Roblox Studio, the font of which is SourceSans.

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